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  1. That seems to have solved the problem, as Kaspersky stopped alerting me to the existence of the Trojan. The first time I encountered the Trojan threat, I looked bewildered.😂 Thank you very much for your patient help, thank you!🤩
  2. Hi,Bro Application version: (1) The database is the latest version. I can't search for this file under C:\Windows either and I'm very confused about it...😩
  3. The content of the original theme has a typo, updated to: 事件: 检测到恶意对象 用户: ROBINQB-LUO\mtlops 用户类型: 活动用户 组件: 病毒扫描 结果: 检测到 结果说明: 检测到 类型: 木马 名称: HEUR:Trojan-Downloader.Script.Generic 精确度: 启发式分析 威胁级别: 高 对象类型: 文件 对象名称: pagefile.sys 对象路径: C:\Windows MD5: 51EB291E5FB292A88A1FD158C49D920D 原因: 专家分析 数据库发布日期: 今天,2024/7/12 10:59:00
  4. I met a "HEUR: Mauritius - Downloader. The Script. The Generic" Trojan problem, in accordance with the security software prompt to restart the system, and but is invalid. I don't shut down this computer for a long time, mainly used to build some simulator experiments. When I returned to the desktop one day, Kaspersky alerted me that I had discovered a Trojan. It is the name of "HEUR: Mauritius - Downloader. The Script. The Generic", path in "C: \ Windows \ pagefile sys". I followed the instructions of Kaspersky's security software and restarted the system, but it still told me that the Trojan was still there. I had to reboot the system repeatedly, but it didn't work. Event: A malicious object was detected User: ROBINQB-LUO\mtlops User type: Active user Component: Virus scan Result: Detected Result description: Detected Type: Trojan Name: HEUR: Mauritius - Downloader. Script. Generic Precision: Heuristic analysis Threat level: High Object type: file Object name: pagefile.sys Object path: C:\Windows MD5: 51EB291E5FB292A88A1FD158C49D920D Reason: Expert analysis Database release date: Today, 2024/7/12 10:59:00
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