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Posts posted by Mikemyday

  1. Hello Seems that some update has enabled DuraSpeed again so KIS and SafeKids were stopped again. But I found in the GitHub-forum a workaround by user kyrasantae which disables DuraSpeed automatically after restarting the device. You need the free version of MacroDroid, grant permission via adb and create a task. Here is the prescription from kyrasantae:
    1. (It's the only one [permission] you need for this task): https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/macrodroid/granting-write_secure_settings-permission-via-adb-t2923.html
    2. Create the task like this (I put a notification at the end so that I can see that it has been run)
    I also put the start of KIS and SafeKids in this task and it's working fantastic. Lots of thanks to kyrasantae!
  2. Hello again, after more than 1 week proper work my daughter restartet the device and killer-app was activ again. "adb shell settings put global setting.duraspeed.enabled 0" wasn't working and I reportet this to Kaspersky-Support. In the meantime I found following in a Nokia-Forum: adb start-server adb shell settings put global setting.duraspeed.enabled 2 adb shell settings put global setting.duraspeed.enabled 0 adb shell settings get global setting.duraspeed.enabled adb kill-server This worked fine and killer-app was succesfull disabled (until next restart). Kaspersky told me that they will not work further on this issue as it is a Nokia-firmware problem (I have asked them to make pressure to Nokia to solve this) and offered to refund the money I spent for their apps (very fair but I refused because I'd rather like to use them). I also have reported the case to Nokia-Support which answered (after several dumb answers) that they will forward it to the development-department (maybe only "Bla-Bla" again). We will see...
  3. Hello again Seems that my problem on Nokia 3.1 is solved. After stopping and enabling "com.evenwell.powersaving.g3.overlay.base" and"com.evenwell.powersaving.g3.overlay.d.base.s600ww" I have deactivated DuraSpeed with "Minimal ADB and Fastboot" as prescribed on dontkillmyapp.com/nokia. Now both apps (KIS and Safe Kids) are working for more than 6 days proper and without any problems. Action of german support was very quick and capable.
  4. Hello folks I made a request and received very quick response from Kaspersky support. Sorry it's in german but the main information (imho) you can find on https://dontkillmyapp.com/nokia which is in english. As I have no experience with adb I only have changed the settings of both of the enwell.powersaving.g3 (stopped and disabled). But it hasn't worked. Enabling other enwell-apps caused huge amount of problems which ended in Hard-Reset. Answer from german support: Bei den Nokia-Geräten ist es so, dass die Nokia-Firmware oft die Anwendungen abschaltet. Haben Sie schon folgendes ausprobiert: https://dontkillmyapp.com/nokia Gehen Sie zu Einstellungen > Anwendungen (Apps) > Alle Anwendungen anzeigen. Tippen Sie oben rechts auf das Menü > System anzeigen. Suchen Sie die Energiespar-Anwendung in der Liste, wählen Sie diese aus und erzwingen Sie das Schließen. Es bleibt bis zum nächsten Neustart gestoppt. Von nun an sollten Anwendungen im Hintergrund normal funktionieren und die standardmäßigen Optimierungen für den Android-Akku verwenden.
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