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  1. MihailSol's post in Block by SSL traffic or firewall settings KSC 14 was marked as the answer   
    Thank you very much for the reply!

    Yes, I'm currently using web control with mask *.openai.com*  and that is successfully blocking everything that is directly opened through the browser. But let's say I have a program that has integrated chatgpt or something else in it and it communicates with the given resource. Then it can pass. Or if it's a browser extension it also communicates without a problem even though you cannot directly open the website. 

    That's why I want to be able to block all kind of communication to the " destination ".


    Edit:  I have found how to work with it correctly. Refer to the image below. 
    For website and it's domain/subdomains - you can use dnsdumpster or relevant service. From there I got the IP address in the image below. You just cannot use *. wildcards to block everything containing this name like in the web filtering. 

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