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Midnight Spirit

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  1. Hi @MedvedevUnited, https://www.google.com/search?q=kaspersky+google+play It's several results down the list. To be honest, I didn't notice the published date until I went back to have another look. And I probably won't be the last person to not notice it, either. Not everyone thinks to check when an article was last updated. I recommend updating the page with a brief blurb at the top stating what you've said here: that Kaspersky is temporarily unavailable, what's being done to resolve it, how long we can expect this to take, and so on. This will put people's minds at ease and show you're all over it. This situation in which Kaspersky finds itself sucks for everyone, staff and customers alike. I hope you and the team can get this resolved soon. Best of luck!
  2. You may want to update this page then, or place a redirect on it: https://support.kaspersky.com/KISA/MR12/en-EN/95086.htm
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