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  1. Hi. Don't work for me. I leave to copy and used CTRL+ENTER to fill a field or simultate copy&paste a password. Its only works. I opened a INC000015793435, but the solutions and, this is funny: they asked me for the debug report to look for the problem, when they know IT EXISTS. Hi. I was send a report, but the only solution that found is In the window of password (ctrl+alt+A, example). INTRO to copy&paste the user CTRL+INTRO copy&paste the password. Is a way to keep the problem until Kaspersky launch a new version fixed. 🙂
  2. Hi... in October I used another password manager. I was paid for a product THAT MUST WORK. We need a solution NOW. With this issue I think about the integrity and segurity of the Kasperspy's Products. Users=Users - 1 and counting... Thanks.
  3. Hi. The same issue. The support don't fix the problem. Nothing works. # INC000015793435 I was fixed the problem (temporary) yesss... change my password manager to another product that work (not Kaspersky). Thanks.
  4. I test in a VM Windows Insiders fast ring and other programs but I think that will use a Security’s Solution in beta level isn’t recommended. Can I use a beta without a licence in a VM? Thanks,
  5. Hi. I used always (before test Windows SandBox in 1909) VmWare with Kaspersky isolation Virtual Machine (SafeMoney), together, never had problems. Now I tested, enable WSandBox and Kaspersky VM don’t work, I disabled Windows SandBox and Kaspersky Work (Test with identical images of particion dissk, restored from a Acronis’s Images maked befores activated WSandBox. If Windows SandBox is enables, and after disabled in THE SAME WINDOWS INSTALLATION, Kaspersky will never detect again a Vitual Machine options...). Thanks,
  6. When Windows SandBox is activated, Kasperspy automatically stops working with virtual machine isolation. The message it gives is that it has not detected one. When the Windows option is removed (from features) and Isolation works again. Before it worked perfectly, until I installed SandBox, from there it didn't work anymore. Other virtualization systems that I use (VMWare and VirtualBox) are not affected, Only Kaspersky, KTS W10x64 1909 18363.657
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