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Kuriko Moe

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  1. Yes, I can confirm, after uninstalling Kaspersky, the powershell.exe started in wsl2 path used 3557ms, compared to 3021ms started in windows path. before uninstalling Kaspersky, with `system watcher`, the whole system hangs entirely longer than 5min (I have to cold reboot it in the end) - all UI is frozen, the taskmgr.exe is not responding, etc. Without `system watcher`, I remembered that the startup time of powershell.exe is around 3000-4000ms. I have logged a request with Kaspersky Customer Service. If there is any update, I will also put it here.
  2. I have met this problem too. It occurs when you access `\\wsl$.localhost\` path by the windows program or access `/mnt/[disk]/xxx` by the Linux program, especially under heavy random access load (such as compiling or indexing) I have found that disabling the `system watcher` in kaspersky will help a lot (the problem still occurs but at a very low frequency) I have a log file (by kaspersky problem reporting tool ) generated for this problem but it's too large (121MiB) to upload here. If needed, please tell me how to upload it. Env: laptop(amd 7940hs + nvme ssd + wsl2), Kaspersky standard (ver Operation: call powershell.exe(with anaconda env automatically activation) under wsl2 path (/home/UserName/ <=> /wsl$.localhost/Arch/home/UserName/) Note: 1. with `system watcher`, the whole system freezes for more than 2mins, and disabling the `system watcher` will quit the frozen state immediately. 2. bare powershell is ok (comment out the anaconda-related configs). I think maybe it is because the anaconda(windows program) reads things under the current path(Linux path) too much.
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