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  1. Solved Contacting with support I looked more carefully and noticed that in fact the free IS subscription was "linked" with a second Google account on my phone (picture). But it was impossible to link the Plus subscription to my phone: every install linked my phone to the free subscription. Finally, the only solution was to remove the second Google account from my phone, install Kaspersky, link to My Kaspersky account and it worked. The Android app on my phone is now linked to my Plus subscription. Of course I add the second Google account again. This is I think a Google "problem" : there was (at least for support and I) a way to "unlink" this free subscription from my second Google account.
  2. My PLUS suscription covers 5 devices (already 2 PCs, Android device should be the third) I will contact Kaspersky as you suggested and will share it when resolved. Thanks !
  3. I've tried sending from My Kaspersky. Steps: Uninstalled the Android app Scanned the QR code from My Kaspersky. This sent me to the store and installed the app The app automatically connects to the free subscription. I've tried connecting directly from the app to my account or not (leaving the device unconnected). Allways the free subscription is used. And I've tried to revoke the free subscription from my account, but this leads to an error (image) It's frustrating.
  4. Hi, I have an Android device with the free subscription active. Now I bought for my PC the Plus plan. But when I try to use my Plus plan in the Android device it allways connect to the "free" plan. I've tried (I think) everything : uninstalled app, unliked app in Play Store, removed device from my Kaspersky account. But every time I've tried to install the app (by many ways) the Android device uses the free plan for the Internet Security and the Plus plan for the Secure Connection. How can I remove (o set as inactive) the free plan ? I don't understand why the Secure Connection uses the Plus subscription and the Internet Security app uses the free plan. Maybe I'm wrong, but maybe removing (how?) the free subscription form my account will force the Internet Security to use the Plus plan ? The attached image shows what I'm not understanding
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