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  1. With Kaspersky Internet Security no longer available would mean having to upgrade to Kaspersky Standard, Plus or Premium.I tried out kaspersky standard but found out that it blocked opera vpn from working when opera vpn was activated.No websites could open up unless opera vpn disabled.I'm currently on KIS with few days left on my license.I hated vpn that came with KIS as it would slow down internet browsing.I saw that Kaspersky plus & premium have super fast VPN.I would like to know if anyone who's using vpn plus & premium are getting good browsing speeds when in use or does super fast vpn slow down browsing speeds as well.If it doesn't then I would use kaspersky super fast vpn & not have to use opera vpn.Opera vpn doesn't slow down browsing speeds like youtube in particular.Kaspersky VPN on KIS does slow down speeds very much when using youtube.It's makes watching youtube rather frustrating.Users using VPN super fast would be the best people to provide proof as to how good this feature is.
  2. Since upgrading from Kaspersky Internet Security to Kaspersky Standard opera vpn isn't working.All websites are blocked when opera vpn is activated.I had no problems with opera vpn when using KIS but with Kaspersky Standard I have to disable opera vpn to access websites.What can be done to prevent Kaspersky Standard from blocking Opera VPN.
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