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  1. Well, since it was kind of a “backup of the backup”, I preferred to simply delete and start over. But a bug like this in KTS could put anyone in a normal backup scenario in real trouble.
  2. Windows 10 Kaspersky Total Security (f) Destination of the backup: E:\ Name given to the backup: “Backup dos Trabalhos” Screwed folder in E: The option to restore files of the backup is grayed (not available).
  3. I had a backup folder on an external drive named “Backup”, with a manual backup I’ve been keeping. I bought KTS and created a weekly backup task to automate the backup proccess, so that the backup could be done automatically to the same drive. Ok, KTS has done something to my folder. Looks like it took control of my old folder, changed the icon, and I can’t see the files that were there anymore. Still, the used disk space counts the same. WTH??
  4. I was hoping KTS would do that for me. But unfortunately there is no details and no clue, as we can see. So, we are just doing what we were told to… wait.
  5. Well, since there is no aparent reason for our machine to be “secretly” trying o conect to an ads agency address, I assume we were caught by some kind of malware that KS didn’t recognize. Unfortunatelly, it happens… nothing is perfect. In fact, I see the day coming when the only trusted protection will be some kind of artificial intelligence that locks threads dinamically and smartly, since the protective technologies we have today are overpast, and the bad guys are evolving really fast with modern kind of threads everyday, mainly on the internet. Am I a dreamer?
  6. Hello, Flood. 1. I didn’t know Brave wasn’t protected by KS, I bought it believing the protection was “Total”, as it says. 2. No, I didn’t, since I’ve read this entire post (and the other one), so, I can see there is no solution for the problem at this time. Posted here just to let you know that there are more people with the same problem. Thanks anyway, and sorry for my poor english.
  7. Same happening here. I’m from Brazil, using Total Security latest version. The only browser that seems (still) not to be affected is Brave (bravo!). But yet, this situation show us that something is wrong, and Kaspersky doesn’t even know what is going on. I’m pretty sure some kind of malware KS doesn’t know just got us, since I can see some other weird behaviours on my machine since the last weeks but KS just says everything is fine. Looks like it isn’t protecting us as “totally” as one might think, unfortunately.
  8. Same happening here. I’m from Brazil, using Total Security latest version. The only browser that seems (still) not to be affected is Brave (bravo!). But yet, this situation show us that something is wrong, and Kaspersky doesn’t even know what is going on. I’m pretty sure some kind of malware KS doesn’t know just got us, since I can see some other weird behaviours on my machine since the last weeks but KS just says everything is fine. Looks like it isn’t protecting us as “totally” as one might think, unfortunately.
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