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  1. Can app. control prevent an app. from loading a driver? I donot see the item in the app. control interface.
  2. It seems that the son process will take all the rules of its father process although the son process already has its own rules in the app. control rules window. Is that right?
  3. https://support.kaspersky.com/KSOS/8.3/en-US/24749.htm I am talking about the meaning of inherit in the Application Control rules.
  4. I amnot quite clear about the meaning of inherit of app. rules in KB. Does it mean the inheriting of the rights of father process or just those of the attibuted group?
  5. I know why. It exists but is covered by a wrongly attributed software vendor. This bug, as I heard, was also reported by other users.
  6. Another question is that the snaptimer( an app. trusted by ksn) doesnot appear in any of my app. groups although I have run it many times. It is very strange . It is the only exception I have noticed. Do you know the possible reason?
  7. In my understanding such dynamic anlysis had been performed when an object was first uploaded to ksn. Therefore all the existing “unknown” objects in ksn had passed the above analysis so that they are safe in some degree. Am I right?
  8. I notice that there are a lot of objects which have been recorded by ksn for quite some time and are still labelled as unknown. Are these objects ignored or recognized as uninjurious ? Can they be regarded as safe in some degree?
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