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  1. First time visiting the forums and I’m here as I have this exact issue which started yesterday July 29, 20202) with a KIS update on Mac 10.15.5 and Safari. Multiple site not making a secure connection. Random sites as well as banking site that have been fine up until the update. Huffpost.com Foxnews.com and others, all https:// Several sites with “Not secure, someone might be trying to get your information” - They were fine yesterday prior to update. One site is internal to ATT.com and signed into ATT account. Odd... Reboots, no change. Flush DNS cache, no change. I just did a new KIS update 30 minutes ago and no change. The only way to get to these sites is to turn off Kaspersky - not a great option Obviously, this has to do with the update… Please correct soon, Thank You.
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