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  1. Hello, It would ask for my pin and I would enter it a couple times and then go on about my business but after installing Kaspersky, I can no longer access DOD websites. does anyone know what settings I need to change to get this to work again? thanks iosman
  2. Hello, I have KIS installed on my Windows 10 x64 1809 desktop and router forwarding port 22 from WAN to my desktop port 22 (I know its dangerous and I forget to close the port forwarding after I test something earlier this year). I have OpenSSH client/server installed on my Windows 10 (the ones provided by Windows) which allow I ssh connect my desktop from outside. Since then I notice that from time to time that Windows Defender/Firewall notify me they have themselves turned on because KIS snoozed. And some notification saying they have turned off again because KIS comes back alive. Also I receive KLAVA update failed from time to time. Both usually happen once-twice per day, KLAVA error will go away if I restart my desktop but after like 2 days I will get that error/KIS restarted itself randomly again. So last weekend I was just curious and check Windows event log and discovered tons and tons of failed ssh login attempts and I realize I have port 22 exposed on the WAN so I closed the port forwarding rule. And since then KIS has not restarted itself randomly nor I get any KLAVA update error. KIS did not warn me about ssh brute force attack tho, unlike I once exposed RDP 3389port to WAN KIS did warn me on RDP brute force on port 3389. I have a strong windows user account password so I do think those random attackers never succeed. Anyway because I am no expert and I am really curious anyone can do a test on WIndows 10 x64 1809 with OpenSSH client/server with KIS19.0.0.1088d and brute force port 22 from outside and see if you can reproduce KIS restarting itself randomly and have KLAVA update error. thanks iosman
  3. Hello, Ran a full scan and all ok but had this message: cloud objects skipped Why so and how can I scan this? thanks iosman
  4. Hello, Kapersky says I should Leave this on in the bios, how ever I have found that turning it on Kapersky causes high cpu usage. Turning it off I have noticed better over all performance on my Amd 10 7800 cpu, by the way Kapersky is the only program that uses this feature on my pc. So I am wondering is it safe to leave this feature turned off, and what dangers there really are turning this off as I can not find a good answer online to this question? thanks iosman
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