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  1. Recently, I noticed that the rootkit check is not being done automatically, with the last time it was executed being on the 18th. It is configured to start automatically. Yesterday, I followed some procedures I found here on the forum: "Download new Kaspersky installer. Uninstall Kaspersky application, saving License information only. Reboot, power on, login. Install Kaspersky application. Run manual Database update. Reboot, power on, login. Make sure Kaspersky application is synced with your My.Kaspersky account. Recheck Rootkit scan runs within 24 hours." After 24 hours of performing the previous procedure, the check is still not starting automatically. I did a manual check using the command: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky 21.17\avp.com" start scan_qscan. The scan did not detect any threats, but I would like the automatic scan to work again. If these details are helpful, I scheduled the database update to be done daily at 2:30 PM, the full scan at 3:00 PM, and the application vulnerability scan at 3:30 PM. Win 11 - 23H2 Kaspersky Plus
  2. Recentemente verifiquei que a verificação de rootkit não está sendo feita automaticamente, sendo a ultima vez executada no dia 18. Ela está configurada para ser iniciada automaticamente. Ontem realizei alguns procedimentos que vi nos aqui no fórum: Download new Kaspersky installer. Uninstall Kaspersky application, saving License information only. Reboot, power on, login. Install Kaspersky application. Run manual Database update. Reboot, power on, login. Make sure Kaspersky application is synced with your My.Kaspersky account? Recheck Rootkit scan runs within 24hours? Após 24hrs da realização do procedimento anterior, a verificação ainda não está sendo iniciada automaticamente. Fiz a verificação manual através do comando: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky 21.17\avp.com" start scan_qscan. A verificação não detectou nenhuma ameaça, porém gostaria que o scan automático voltasse a funcionar. Caso sejam útil tais informações, eu agendei a atualização de banco de dados para ser feita diariamente as 14:30, a verificação completa e verificação de vulnerabilidade de aplicativos também é feita diariamente, as 15:00 e 15:30, respectivamente.
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