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Everything posted by GoNavy

  1. @Berny ….thanks again. That article got me further. But going down to step #4 I was back to square 1 since the application for me to right click on wasn’t in the list. HOWEVER, what I did try and end up doing is right click on the “High Restricted” line in that “Manage applications” window...click on “add application to group”...navigated to the folder and .exe I wanted...right clicked and went to “details and rules” for that program….an “application rules” window popped up...then I was able to use that menu of settings to do what I wanted. Wasn’t necessarily intuitive nor easy but I think I got done what I wanted. I’ll come back and update this post if it doesn’t.
  2. Thanks Berny. Just restarted the application. Same result. I know the folder and the .exe file I want to manage...but it’s not showing up. It’s in the usual Program Files folder like other apps. Is there a way to add it manually by “browsing” the to folder and file?
  3. Spent a night trying to find a solution...nada. Going to the community next. I’m trying to manage the various applications on my computer. But one of the application’s I’m looking for isn’t in the big list of Applications that is presented to me. How do I add or find that application so I can set a rule with Kaspersky on how it operates? I’m running the latest version of KIS. Thanks.
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