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  1. I could had a quick scan running on safe mode hard crash my system on demand, i even sent them the video. But sure, it is not destabilizing. And now my system is still not restarting randomly, i wonder why it is stable now.... So typing this was a massive waste of time. Thank you anyways. I bet Kaspersky is also grateful for your free service.
  2. I kept using your product even after i realized you charge more to the people renewing the licenses than the new buyers (i guess you think old customers are there to be milked)... I kept using your product even after i realized your servers were still inside Ruzzia even after you announced you left that bog (it was already paid, the damage was done).... I kept using your product even after your "quick scan" was shutting down my pc, and so often that it even ended up roasting my SSD (sent all of the evidence i had to support, mostly circumstantial mind you, even with a video and they couldn't believe it was their fault). But the last straw was having my pc restart constantly and without warning, completely randomly, and just because enabling the VPN (no logs, no nothing, not even system dumps!, months and months troubleshooting, I only made the connection that the pc was crashing/hanging/restarting ONLY AFTER i enabled the VPN and not at a set time but randomly afterwards, even if it wasn't already running... uninstalled and the pc has not restarted ever again since, ¿what the hell else are you doing to my pc that i don't know of?). You had a good product, the competition probably is not as good as your product, but it is definitely good enough to make the jump and just leave these licenses unused. I am trying really hard not to express all the expletives i think you deserve, but you just are not worth my time anymore.
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