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  1. Performed a complete uninstall and reinstall. No signs of the symptom over the last couple weeks. Thanks for the pointers; though the site won't allow me to mark that message as the solution, it seems to have resolved my issue.
  2. Yeah, not asking for an auto reboot; that would be horrible. But the app isn't asking for a computer restart: it says application restart. And when I punch yes, it does indeed restart the application. According to the Timeline feature of the application, it updated its a/v and other databases 6 times yesterday and I only had it on between 5pm and 11pm. Previous days this week ranged between 8 and 11 updates every day. At one point yesterday, I got the popup twice within 15 minutes. It is definitely the case that the app icon in systray changes color during the application restart, and sometimes I have to manually re-enable protection after it is done. When that happens I can see entries in the event log where SecurityCenter is reporting "Updated Kaspersky status successfully to SECURITY_PRODUCT_STATE_SNOOZED." without a following "...SECURITY_PRODUCT_STATE_ON.", but I don't see any events reported for Kaspersky itself. The computer is completely shut down daily, other than Saturday nights when it performs scheduled backups.
  3. This is the notification I get; since I am just going to click Yes every time, would be nice if there was a way to just make it restart automatically.
  4. Kaspersky Standard on Win 11. Constant popups "Databases and application modules have been updated...Restart now?" are tedious, is there a setting/way to just have it restart itself? Previous products didn't seem to have this need for touching after updates.
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