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  1. So my subscription for Kaspersky recently ended and I don't got the money to renew it currently so I've started using Kaspersky Free which I'm not sure if it provides real-time protection as in does it only helps scan the computer for a virus after you've downloaded something or been exposed or is it able to do the same a a paid version can and stop it before you download it or get exposed to the virus,malware etc.? I hope this question makes sense, sorry if it's worded in a confusing way.
  2. Okay I'll try this but... Is it fine to if I don't add the certificate like is it necessary for security I can't seem to find a clear answer on that question?
  3. I added the Kaspersky Certificate or whatever it's called to the Mozilla Firefox like it says to do in the tutorial but the next day when I restarted my computer it's telling me that there was an error while configuring Firefox.exe and that I need to add the certificate again and basically telling me that I need to do what I just did again.
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