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  1. I understand the difference between a scan and a password manager. The Kaspersky password manager reported an increasing number of password compromises including Kaspersky Password manager. So I initiated a full scan with kaspersky looking for a key logger that was possibly on my computer. The scan revealed nothing!!! I installed a copy of Malwarebytes and it found Trojan.Dropper in several places. Since I had no help from Kaspersky (including this forum) to remedy the situation I purchased another antivirus and removed Kaspersky. So I ask you why would I trust Kaspersky to protect my computer when two other virus programs find the malware and Kaspersky does not. Thanks for the post
  2. My Kaspersky password manager recently informed me the Kaspersky password manager password had been compromised, in addition several other recently used website sites such as my bank account. A full scan of my computer with Kaspersky did not detect anything but a scan with Malwarebytes detected Trojan.Dropper. With Kaspersky not detecting anything how do I find the keylogger that is stealing my passwords?
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