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  1. Hi Community, I hope that you are doing well. My son has a Motorola MotoG20 with Android 11 and every day I get a message "Important permissions on the child's device have been revoked" and basically the app stops working. After that, I need to go to Safe Kids app (on my child's device) to do the setup again and disable/enable Safe Kis accessibility twice to get it working again. Is anyone having this problem? Do you know how to resolve this? Thanks, Cr4zyf4ce
  2. Hey @Flood and Flood's wife, Thnx and I believe that the dev team I’ll include this feature in this year because they’re monitoring this thread. Thanks, Cr4zyF4ce
  3. Hey Guys, Is there a possibility to block certain websites by Time/Hours? In this case, my son is using a Windows PC and I´d like to block certain websites at specific times. For example, from 8:00am to 9:00am I block all websites and only allow some, which can be by URL or category. Thanks, Cr4zyF4ce
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