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  1. Hi, KES is blocking any RDP sessions outside my organisation. I cant see any option within Essential Threat Protection that is relevant. I have tried turning the Firewall off, but this still blocks it. I get the following error message:
  2. Hi, since having a licence issue, some users have uninstalled Kaspersky Endpoint Protection. I’m trying to remote install the latest version now I have sufficient licences, however I’m getting the following error when trying to run the tasks:
  3. When trying to remote install Endpoint Security, I get the following error message: There is plenty of hard drive space on the machine im trying to install on
  4. I have installed Administration Center 11, and rebooted my server. I then get the following message: I have checked services, and this is what i can see. I cant start SQL Server Agent as it stops as soon as I start it. Please help!
  5. I have a user who has taken a laptop from the company. I can see it is connected via the Management Console. Can I stop the user accessing the system?
  6. Hi, I have a user who is trying to run a script from his local machine. However, it is being blocked, and showing the message - Process action blocked. ‘’PowerShell calls Native API’’ rule. How can I allow this to run?
  7. Thanks again for all the help. How can I backup my policies and Console settings?
  8. That’s great - thank you very much for your help. I’m using Security Centre 10. How can I upgrade to 11 on my server?
  9. Hi, thanks for coming back to me. I’m just looking to use some of the functionality, there arent any errors or troubles. For example: I would like to set Kaspersky to find new devices on my network and auto deploy the AV client Turn on auto scanning of Servers - I have to do this manually at the moment Thanks again :)
  10. Hi, I'm looking for a solution that will allow Kaspersky Security Center 10, search for new devices and auto deploy the client. I'm also trying to turn on automatic scanning of servers if possible. Thanks in advance, C
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