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  1. On Monday we received pfix 8036 from Kaspersky support which has resolved the problem in our environment. I would suggest opening a case with them to receive the same and test in your environment since it’s not a fully released patch at this time.
  2. Update: This is being escalated to engineering. The Kaspersky support person said today (Summarized) ‘I would not deploy current versions of the product. If 11.3 is released, wait for 11.3.1 to deploy’ They’re apparently really confident in their dev cycle.
  3. Tried that. Been working with Kaspersky support much of the day. Now we’re disabling components one at a time...
  4. Are your client computers WIN7 Pro or WIN10? The issue is affecting on WIN7 Pro. Win7 Pro. I’m the OP here. It’s not 100% of the computers but several have cropped up. We’re finding that more are impacted but it’s been masked by some machines using administrator level permissions.
  5. We’re running KSC 12 and the issue is certainly client side related.
  6. Support wasn’t any real help. Had us downgrade the impacted clients to 11.2. We had a few more pop up since my post. Thankfully it’s not all as you’re experiencing. If we have more show symptoms, I’ll change the setting you’ve indicated as all our machines are in a domain.
  7. It seems that KSC pushed out KES 11.3 last week (or one of my team did it without updating notes). We had a couple stations start booting up and not logging on properly. Stations are Windows 7 Pro. They stated that they couldn’t connect to the “Windows Event Notification Service”. Searching online I found a post about someone disabling a setting called "Prevent infection during operating system restart" in Kaspersky Internet Security to fix this issue. I couldn’t find such a setting in KSC policies but switched these stations to the WSEE product and the issue is gone. Posting as an FYI or a bug report for Kaspersky.
  8. See page 74f “Installing the Application Console via Kaspersky Security Center” https://products.s.kaspersky-labs.com/file_servers/kswinserver10/​​​​​​ Regards Alex Thank you. This was quite helpful. I now have an issue that the task sits at ‘Copying files to the specified device’ frequently when using Network Agent for deployment but I imagine that is it’s own issue.
  9. We use Kaspersky Security for Windows Server and I would like to know how to deploy the ‘client’ portion of the install package automatically so we can use the ‘Open Application Interface’ selection when we are logged on to the console of the server. Is there a way to make the WSEE package install this automatically? If not, could someone provide instructions to install that component as a separate installation package? Thank you,
  10. Hello! Please create an incident in your Company account. Thank you! I will get one created. I’m off site today so it’ll be Monday. Thank you,
  11. Regards GSI zip file here: https://tinyurl.com/y2rquxhf
  12. I also get this error. In my case it’s not finding an installation package that must have been manually deleted. This happens when I right click on a device and choose ‘install application’. I’m then prompted with the error.
  13. Hello, We are using KSC to manage / Deploy Windows Updates and have found twice this year that the Servicing Updates that Microsoft has published for Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7 haven’t been getting pushed through the server. Specifically KB4516655 currently. If I search for that KB in my updates area, there’s no mention of it. We don’t have all of the update categories checked because it took too much space on our hard drives and I can’t find any mention of Windows 7 or Server 2008 ‘servicing’ anywhere. Does anyone know if this should be getting deployed and if so, what product checkbox it applies to? I have all items selected under ‘Applications’ and ‘Windows 7’, ‘Server 2008’, and ‘Server 2008 R2’ selected. For later OS’ like 2016, I see a ‘servicing’ category.
  14. Today I upgraded KSC from 10 to 11. We are now running Version One unexpected side effect of this upgrade is that I have a few tasks which indicate 'unknonw' as their type. These are related to our one lone XP machine which was running KES 10 SP1 since we couldn't upgrade any further. Is there any way to continue managing this device in the KSC Console? I do not see a plugin for version 10 clients available for download. If this is not possible, I wonder if anyone has suggestions for an alternate product that we could put onto that machine to keep AV present and maintained. Unfortunately our customer desires it to continue to exist. Thank you, Edit: Typo
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