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  1. Every time that I do the loggin in the gmail, the site ask for the verification by two steps. But in others computer I just need to do this verification one time. I think that the anti virus do that. When Im only with my nootbook, I cant use my gmail or any site that ask for the gmail loggin. Because I dont have the cellphone to authorize. If I close the window of chrome and open after it. I will need to do the verification by two steps of the gmail. This just occur because of the kapersky. I want to desativate that. I think that the kapersky erase all infos of the site, even the IP or something. The gmail needs to do this security thing every time that I close the window, like it doesnt trust my pc, you know. My family also use this anti virus, but this dont happen to them. I hope that you understood me. Im from brazil.
  2. Every time that I turn off the PC I need to put again all the passwords and do the verification by 2 steps/stages. I want to turn off this. Just turn on my pc and dont need to do this over and over.
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