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  1. Thanks for another informative reply. Hubby has a licence which is for up to 10 devices I believe. I don't think on the old computer there is the old licence dormant but expired as before it started playing up I had activated one of the 'lives' from OH account. I still have unlimited active access on my devices including phones to PH KPM, I'm not sure if its premium but I use KPWM still a lot and have full access on phones and when old pc decides to work on that as well. post script. I will write this up in case someone else out there wants to know how to have two vaults accessible on one device. Just found out from tech support you have to log out of the whole of Kaspersky - my kaspersky and then enter password for the other user for the whole of Total security . It then gives you a captcha, and you put that in, and then put in the logon for KPWM of the 2nd user of the device.
  2. Thanks for another informative reply. Hubby has a licence which is for up to 10 devices I believe. I don't think on the old computer there is the old licence dormant but expired as before it started playing up I had activated one of the 'lives' from OH account. I sitll have unlimited active access on my devices including phones to PH KPM, I'm not sure if its premium but I use KPWM still a lot and have full access on phones and when old pc decides to work on that as well.
  3. Thanks for replying. We have one licence and my husband and I share it. He has his own bank of passwords and logs on using his individual master password, and before I had problems with old computer, I was logging in to my own 'bank' of passwords (stored in KPWM) on old computer using my own unique password to access them. Now, we have a 'new to us' second hand machine. Husband set the PC and PW Mgr up on this second hand machine with his KPWM login that when KPWM pops up it is all linked to his master password. I haven't got another Total security licence separately any more as about two months ago when mine ran out, hubby still had more devices allowable on his licence/account. Does that help explain our set up? So at the moment if I log out of just KPWM and try using my master login it doesn't recognise it. If I log out of the whole thing then I've not got another account to log in with because my bank of passwords is already linked with hubby's main Total security License already. Does this set up mean I can't access my own password bank on this computer we're sharing then, even though when if I went back to my old pc I could access my separate KPWM bank?
  4. Recently got a second hand computer and husband set it up for me, but he put his version of KPWM on it. It would be handy to keep his, despite it not being my profile. So question is, how to add my own KPWM bank of passwords profile as well on the **SAME device.** ? in short can you have two PW profiles on one device, and if so, how to set it up like that, so the Master PW that you enter on the device determines which 'bank' of passwords it accesses?
  5. Hi Flood Thanks for your further explanations about things, but it raises several questions as well as confirming what I see. With regard to the print screen items you've shown, yes to 1, not sure about 2, yes to 3. if you turn off file share does that mean that OneDrive won't update when you type on computer 1 and want to view it on computer 2 or you take photos on your phone that it won't automatically upload them to OneDrive anymore and be available to view on computer 1? What about Printer share? Does that stop you using your printer from computer 1 via Bluetooth? or from your phone via Bluetooth? and if you turn off remote access does that mean that when you've genuinely contacted e.g. Microsoft directly and you need help that they can't remote control and sort out computer problems whilst this is ticked? (I've had occasions when parts of Windows stopped working and had helpful remote sessions from them or from the software house that makes my sheet music programme, so from time to time I would have to uncheck it in order to get help.)
  6. PS my "helpful" Kaspersky tech - turned out to be a hacker masquerading as a Kaspersky agent... so all Kaspersky users be very aware of this, and be very wary of anyone ringing back and saying they are a 2nd or 3rd level K tech, and wanting to remote session your computer. BE CAREFUL EVERYONE.
  7. Thanks Flood, that's a much more illuminating reply and I was interested to hear of your experience of suddenly like me being presented with VPN without explanation. So, Kaspersky if you read this, ***when you add major features to your programs, please let the customer know, and give us the option whether to install or not.
  8. Hello Thank you for your reply but it doesn't really answer my question - I know you can buy Kaspersky security separately.. as I indicated in my first posting, I did have a subscription at one time. So I know it is a separate app you can pay for... only I have not paid for it this year. so seeing as I didn't buy a subscription this time my question is Why having had this year's Kaspersky Total security for at least six months, and never before offered a proxy connection OR only saying since I was hacked two weeks ago that my home network is **PUBLIC** and **Insecure** why is it suddenly coming up offering to connect me to the internet variously via Ireland or France? i.e. a proxy? If it is genuine Kaspersky feature, when was it added to Total Security? . Please can someone say ** when** it was added. NB It certainly was not available on my subscription in 2018 as it was always greyed out on the task bar, and not available first part of 2019 on my Total Security installation. Re Dialogue box: Its virtually impossible for me to show the only very recently appearing dialogue box saying my home network is a) Public b) insecure because its there only for the briefest minute and then its gone. So hope the description in my report will suffice. The only thing to add is, whereas it never did it before two weeks ago, and my hacking event, I'm now asked regularly by this flashing on and off box, do I want to connect to Ireland, or France or somewhere else after it has shown the dialogue box about my home network being PUBLIC... However my home network most certainly isn't public, its in a domestic home, not in a café, library or any other public place. So I'm mystified by it. Would like explanation please when it was added and why my domestic network which is passworded is public, and if it really is Kaspersky Total security doing this.
  9. I recently got hacked by some one proporting to be a Kaspersky tech, I've got over that now and had a professional check all my security and wipe off any viruses, but I'm very wary of unusual things now happening to my computer. I used to pay annual fee to Kaspersky for Secure connection but I've not been using it for some time so I've not paid renewal. All of a sudden I keep getting dialogue boxes pop up saying my network is not secure and would I like to use Kaspersky secure. This never happened before the hacker got into my PC. Is this offer of connecting via another country and secure connection really from Kaspersky? Is it part of an update of Total Internet security package or a scam/hacker? It keeps saying my connection in my house is public and would I like to connect via security. I'm very suspicious. Should I be? Is offer of proxy type connection due to update of K Total Security adding an extra feature within the fee I paid for that programme?
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