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  1. Hi @Flood and Flood's wife, As always, thank you so much for answering my inquiries. I am probably not within the covered region yet, since it does not show on the national version for the website (www.kaspersky.ma, .ma standign for morocco). I guess we will be waiting for this glorious update, yet I am happy with the new changes, I can't wait!
  2. Thank ou, @nexon@harlan4096 However, it seems I tried downloading these new versions, but i was unable to do so, my kaspersky is stuck on total security, is there a way I can upgrade to those, or do I have to buy a new subscription?
  3. Hey there, Just like any other person these days, I enjoy dark mode a lot and use it for most of my applications starting from microsoft teams to my browser, while reading this article, I noticed the writer provided screenshot of kaspersky using dark mode. Is there a way I can use this dark mode aswell? Please help me out, and thanks!
  4. Thank you so much, such a lovely reply! 1. Well, I believe I missunderstood what they said, thank you for clarifying it for me 2. Meaning I can recover my passwords by creating a new vault and use my main kaspersky account's password to recover them? I wouldn't need the master key? 3. I will defintly tru this out 4. I am the only user of this PC, no one can access it unless it gets compromised by a hacker. physically speakings, nobody can access it besides me (I live alone)
  5. Hey there, I used to be the type of person who uses the date of birth as a password on all of my accounts, one day I was a victim of gmail fishing leading to a devastating loss, where I lost access not only to my gmail account, but to all of my gaming and working accounts, all the confidential data on my professional email address were leaked and that was a mess. Since then I started using an antivirus (Kaspersky) and a password managed, since the total version includes a KPM, I purchased it. Now after a while of using my average to low security master key, I realized it might be important to upgrade it into something more secure, but sadly, it is very hard to remember a complex master key. With that being said, if I were to lose access to my master key, is it over for all of my accounts & passwords ? Isn't there a solution B to reset it or maybe recover it? Are there any solutions you can suggest to me in order to set a complex master key and one I would not forget? Wouldn"t it be past if I were to store on my pc so I can simply copy past? Finally, why is there an Opera Gx extension of KPM ? Thanks for reading!
  6. That's a very useful tip ,thanks!
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