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Mtgo application Name: PDM:Exploit.Win32.Generic.nblk

Go to solution Solved by Flood and Flood's wife,

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Hello, i know one of two topics have come up with this issue already, but i feel like this could be a pretty significant problem going on.
I browsed my social media this morning and saw mtgo users suffered attacks / stolen materials on their account (those accounts can store thousands of $ of virtual cards). So i thought it might be safer to change my password. Then when trying to open the app, an update started, and fortunately, kaspersky detected a trojan and blocked / deleted the whole software.

so i am wondering if the update hasn’t been hacked, and if this is the case, this is some serious hack going on. I also wonder if my computer is now safe to use, despite the protection used from kaspersky. I am running another scan as we speak but i’m aware hackers can go undected for a while.
Any update on the situation will be much appreciated, and i have to say i’m glad i suscribed to kaspersky protection...

Flood and Flood's wife

Hello @Yannos3121, 
There's currently two active mtgo topics, pending advice from Kaspersky's Virus Lab experts. 

mtgo detected as trojan raised by @tcheu 

MTGO.EXE Trojan PDM:Exploit.Win32.Generic.nblk raised by @pbacevedo. 

As soon as the VLab post their advice we will be updating the topics. 

  1. 💥 Read & follow this guide: Kaspersky application blocks my website or application. What should I do?
  2. IF you have concerns about your system, please log a case with Kaspersky support, select either Chat or Email, support may request logs, traces & other data, they will guide you.
  • When it’s available, please share the outcome with the Community?

Thank you🙏, 


  • Solution
Flood and Flood's wife

Hello @Yannos3121, 

We’ve received advice for Kaspersky support, as follows: 

“We have just gotten a response from our experts, they informed us the detection is a false positive. It will be fixed within a few hours. “

  • 💥 We’ve successfully run Magic the gathering online on our systems → please run a Database update & check? 



Thank you🙏, 



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