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Hello, Hello, I installed Kaspersky but it does not detect my files infected with ZATE Ransomware virus. I checked a couple of files but if it doesn't detect the contaminated ones, I doubt I didn't choose the right antivirus. others. how to remove this ZATE virus from my pc and open infected files ?


Welcome to Kaspersky Community.


I think We are talking to different concepts, the affected files after a Ransomware attack usually are not infected files, but encrypted, which is very different. And that's why neither K. nor any other security product will detect those (Your encrypted documents) as malicious, virus or malware.


Much Ransomware, after the attack, don't remain resident in the system, so the only remaining are the encrypted files and probably the txt document with data requesting You to pay, to recover them.


What You need now, it's a tool to decrypt the files, but usually that would be very difficult, since those files were encrypted with a very high private key.

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