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Windows is saying that my anti virus license is out of date but i buyed it 5 days ago

Go to solution Solved by Berny,

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Hello, i buy a few days ago a new Kaspersky license because the old come to an end. I didn't renew the old because i received by email a offer for the same K Total Security for a much lower price. But one day when i logged on my computer, the program was update to a new version but still on the old license. I bought a new one and type the code in K. Everything was just fine but today i can use it because windows is saying that my license is too old and need to update ( but i had already buy a new and activated it). When i click on the notification, it is only closing and reopening  Kaspersky. On My Kaspersky, i delete my computer from the connected devices for all the licenses but still the weird bug which send me a notification “activate you antivirus”. When i reopen it, there is a new window which is saying that an error occur and if i want to send the bug report. I accepted 5 times but now that's enough. I also already uninstall 2 times but still.

version :

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