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When I type in a URL such as www.espn.com it automatically changes to { hyperlink “https://espn.com”} in MS Word and Outlook.


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Hello  @dgreenfield,

You’re very welcome👌, it’s easy to think the RC is Kaspersky☺,  I’m glad you asked the question, you kick started my br🤔 in for the day & your post may help others asking similar questions👏

  • Open Office, Word.
  • Select Word Options.
  • Select Advanced.
  • Scroll down, uncheck the box Show field codes instead of their values.
  • Also check Show document content for similar fields (different versions of MS & OL may use different terminology)

✅ Also, in both Word & Outlook, select ?Help, type in Field Codes, scroll thru to Hyperlink, all MS Hypelink Help is available✅ 

Best regards

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