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What Kaspersky Lab could say about clover hackintosh?

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I’ve installed the clover bootloader for hackintosh. And on apple id I put email that very similar to my work email, but not it. Next thing I know I cant login to apple id neither my  yandex mail. No restore question work either. I made a topic on clover developers applelife.ru forum and hoped to know if they heard about the similar problem for other users. Suddenly on 4th page of discussion, when I started carefully and with all respect asking if clover efi could have any vulnerabilities they just destroyed the topic! Not even renamed. So I guess even if someone might get any issues with clover security there’s a big lobby against discussing it, at least on their forum. Maybe they steal work emails an then ransom people and make them silent..Who the hell knows.


So my question is what do serious protection companies like Kaspersky know about  the clover? Because I used a virustotal to check some sources and compiled files both from https://github.com/CloverHackyColor/CloverBootloader/releases, and many files weren't even uploaded before! Plus there is absolutely lack of discussion on this topic on the internet.

Does anyone seriously checked clover for possible malware/rootkits/vulnerabilities and can you share with that research? 


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Hello @Solomondrovich 

If you have a concern about specific software, please contact Kaspersky Technical Support, the Support Team will need a zipped & password protected copy of the software, a detailed history, a GSI & Windows Logs & may need traces.

After logging the request, you’ll receive an automated email with an INC+12digits reference #, then, normally within 5 business days, a Kaspersky Technical Support human will contact you, also by email; you can continue to communicate with them via email or by updating the INC in your MyKaspersky account.

Please let us know what they say?

Thank you🙏


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