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What Incompatible Hardware or Software Was Detected? [Windows Defender Application Guard] [Solved] [Closed]

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I am unable to use hardware virtualization in KIS 2020 v. because:

“Incompatible hardware or software detected.”

I would like to know what incompatible hardware or software was detected?


Please don’t reply by saying “Have you checked for this? Have you checked for that?” I should not have to spend time checking for this or that. KIS 2020 obviously knows what incompatible hardware or software was detected, because KIS detected it. So how do I find out what KIS 2020 detected - is it in some log?

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Hello @Bukkdog,


All Kaspersky software has a Reports feature, open the Kaspersky application, select More Tools, select Reports. select Detailed Reports (I doubt the information will be in Reports) & normally all Kaspersky software creates install logs in C:\ProgramData\*, you may “possibly” find infomation there. 

There are multiple places to check Hardware Virtualization issues, as you do not wish the Kaspersky Community to suggest where checking should be done (so we can assist), please log a case with Kaspersky Technical Support

Thank you🙏


About protection through hardware virtualization in Kaspersky applications

KIS2020 Libary, Hardware Virtualization

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It is absurd that KIS 2020  will tell me “incompatible hardware or software detected” but won’t tell me what incompatible hardware or software was detected, forcing me instead to try to look for it on my own.


There is no solution in the reports you referenced.


What’s the big secret?


I’ll ask Kaspersky Technical Support.

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Hello @Bukkdog,

Thank you for replying.

I could have replied “check xyz”, however, you made it very clear you did not wish to check anything,  there are multiple places to check Hardware Virtualization issues, there’s no big secret, however, we do not have xray vision, or a 🔮 

Thank you🙏


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... there are multiple places to check Hardware Virtualization issues …


You don’t seem to get it.

Why should I have to look in “multiple places?”

KIS says I have incompatible software or hardware, so why can’t KIS tell me what it found?

I’ve seen other threads here where poor OPs went in circles looking in ‘multiple places’ to try to figure out what could be incompatible. That’s stupid. If KIS knows something, tell me about it.

Somewhere in the Kaspersky organization, there is a developer - or perhaps a team of developers - who wrote the software that detects the existence of incompatible hardware or software. So don’t tell me that nobody knows what the incompatible hardware or software is. Of course they know … so tell me!

This matter is now in the hands of Kaspersky Technical Support.

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Hello @Bukkdog,

KIS installs its own drivers to protect the main installation process.
If this does not succeed and KIS cannot determine what has prevented the installation, this error message will be generated.

Please contact the support. Here in the forum we do not have the tools and especially not the knowledge to solve the problem.

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Hi all, as well as above posts.

This information in below URL is for active Kaspersky users wondering how to figure this above post out about “incompatible software” when trying to enable Virtualization in Computers.


Also, for Kaspersky users who do not mind doing a bit of ground work to get Kaspersky 2020 Virtualization Software in machines to work correctly.

If you are still having issues please contact support.


Thank you.






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The "incompatible software" in my case was Windows Defender Application Guard (WDAG) which was installed on Windows 10 by the Fall Creators Update, abbreviated as v.1709.

Although WDAG was developed for Enterprise and Education deployments, it was also installed on Windows 10 Professional because employees may be using their personal laptops as BYOD devices.

When WDAG is installed, if an employee goes to an untrusted website with Microsoft Edge, the website opens in an isolated Hyper-V-enabled container, which is separate from the host operating system. As a type-1 ('bare metal') hypervisor, Hyper-V blocks access to virtualization hardware for all other hypervisors - including Kaspersky Internet Security features that rely on virtualization.

Since I do not need Windows Defender Application Guard, removing it from Windows 10 also removed the message “Incompatible hardware or software detected” from KIS 2020.

Why the message could not simply say:

Incompatible hardware or software detected: Windows Defender Application Guard

instead of forcing me to spend hours on research, is beyond my understanding.

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… and here’s what Kaspersky’s technical support had to say:


The message could not simply point out the incompatible hardware or software as there many possibilities. Computers are temperamental and unpredictable creatures by their very nature so issues may occur.


Lesson learned: If you’re hoping to solve a problem with Kaspersky software, don’t count on Kaspersky’s own script readers.

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