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Webcam Trusted App not honoured


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I am writing some software, using Python, that accesses the webcam
when it starts I get the warning from Kaspersky about accessing the webcam - OK
I dont want it to bug me everytime so I have tried different options for this to get 'permanent access'
I have added it as a trusted application - 
But this is not honoured, the next time it runs it asks all over again.  
Under 'More Tools' / 'Manage Applications' / 'Application Control' / 'Manage Applications'
I can see the application in the trusted group with a tick next to 'Access Webcam (limited compatibility)'
How can I get it behave?

Better yet how could I add a blanket rule that any Python app under a specified folder root has access ?

Kaspersky Total Security
Windows 10 x64 Build 19042


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