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URL:   https;//www,hangseng,com/zh-hk/e-services/e-ipo-service/ipo-stocks/

Above web page can be displayed correctly if I disabled the Kaspersky.  

But if I enabled the Kaspersky, the web will not display.  Can someone help?

Flood and Flood's wife

Hello @Alex Yip


  1. Operating system version ? (How to find the version of your operating system).
  2. Kaspersky Total Security (KTS) version & patch(x) → on the Windows taskbar or hidden icons, rightclick the Kaspersky icon, select About
  3. What about the page is not displaying correctly → post a full screen image
  4. Does the same problem happen in every supported browser: Firefox, Chrome, Edge Chromium? 
  5. IF Kaspersky protection extension, Private Browsing is Allowed, does the full page display correctly? 
  6. IF Kaspersky protection extension, Anti-banner, is Allowed, does the full page display correctly? 
  7. Does the page display correctly if the browser is run in Incognito mode? 
  8. IF, Do not scan encrypted connections is enabled, does the page display? note: test only, not a solution
  9. IF, Inject script into web traffic to interact with web pages, is disabled, does the page display? note: test only, not a solution

Please let us know?

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋





@Alex Yip In addition to @Flood and Flood's wife  , i can’t reproduce this issue as well.

  • Can you please post a screenshot with the error message
  • Can you please check your Kaspersky reports : More Tools > reports

Also , please read the recommendations at the top of this section :



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