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VPN Secure connection reroutes me to a wrong server location

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I had a problem with the VPN Secure connection and streaming. Whenever I choose GERMANY as the server location it re-routes me to a Czechian server.

For example: www.Netflix.de re-routes me to Netflix.com/cz - Czechia

ARD says I am not in Germany, therfore videos can not be watched

ZDF says the same

BR says the same

I choosed to pay for the premium version today, hoping that this issue will be solved, but it is still the same problem

Anyone has similar troubles?

Whatfore did I pay, if it is not working?

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Hello @benny001, Welcome.

I have noticed similar problems lately.
But it does not seem to be a problem with the Kaspersky software.

At the moment I am running KSeC with the IP Google says CZ, some 'whois' say CZ, wieistmeineip.de says DE.
Somewhere on the internet the IP is mismatched.

Disconnect the VPN connection and try again after 20 seconds. Maybe you will be connected to an exit point that is recognized correctly.

Note: we also have a German subforum: https://community.kaspersky.com/fuer-privatanwender-deutschsprachiges-benutzer-forum-62

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  • 4 weeks later...

I had a problem with the VPN Secure connection and streaming. Whenever I choose GERMANY as the server location it re-routes me to a Czechian server.

For example: www.Netflix.de re-routes me to Netflix.com/cz - Czechia

ARD says I am not in Germany, therfore videos can not be watched

ZDF says the same

BR says the same

I choosed to pay for the premium version today, hoping that this issue will be solved, but it is still the same problem

Anyone has similar troubles?

Whatfore did I pay, if it is not working?

I’ve a similar problem with the premium version though!
I wanna connect to Australia server and it connect me to another country server , tried many times .. same problem!

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What is your actual location? 
What VPN server (country) you connect to? 

How do you check that you are connected to another country? 


Location: Germany
VPN: Germany
I got advertisement for another Country & checked it then with wieistmeineip.de

It also happen with another Country, but i don’t remeber which one it was.
But the problem is not permanent, right now it's back to normal.

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Also, test results: 







KVPN Free version automatically selects the remote virtual server, users do not have a choice. 

As you have the Premium version, has an uninstall & clean install been done? If “no”, please follow these steps:

  1. Confirm Hardware and software requirements
  2. Uninstall KVPN
  3. Shutdown computer using Shutdown, not Restart, power on, login. 
  4. Download & install new KVPN installer. 
  5. Shutdown computer using Shutdown, not Restart, power on, login. 
  6. Start KVPN
  7. After selecting the Australian remote virtual server, is the KVPN still connecting to another country server? 

Let us know the outcome please?

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

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