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Hi, NRK has blocked vpn when I want to watch from abroad on holiday .. It has worked for a long time until 2 months ago I lost access to NRK, So my friend who has Nordic-VPN and he still gets access to NRK, So I'm wondering if you can update servers so we can access? If you can not, then I would be surprised to cancel your subscription with you and get me Nordic vpn instead.



what version of vpn are you using as Kaspersky doesn’t automatically update you to the latest version unlike KIS.

Flood and Flood's wife
  Baiker33 said:

I'm wondering if you can update servers so we can access? 

Hello @Baiker33, 

Also, there is already a remote Norway server → About VPN server locations.

The exact list of available KVPN server locations may depend on the application version and operating system and is subject to change.

  1. Read before you create a new topic!
  2. Which remote location are you selecting? 
  3. Read: Why is it impossible to open a website with Kaspersky VPN Secure Connection enabled?
  4. Is KVPN Premium or Free? 

We can access NRK, we’re not in Norway:



Thank you🙏  

Flood🐳 +🐋


How to get acess ? im have premium .. Is it some im need to update or ?

Flood and Flood's wife

Hello @Baiker33, 

Thank you for replying & the information!

  1. tv.nrk.no/direkte/nrk1 is accessible → image set 1. (We are not in Norway).
  2. Which KVPN version is installed → open KVPN, select Support (Head with headset) → image 2 ? 
  3. Check all of NRK TV abroad help documentation. 



Thank you🙏  

Flood🐳 +🐋

Flood and Flood's wife

Hello @Baiker33, 

Thank you for replying & the information!

(ioo), the issue is not Kaspersky’s VPN. 

IF we don’t run the VPN we get



  1. Contact NRK
  2. Check if you’ve installed any browser extensions that may be causing the issue?
  3. Check using another browser? 
  4. Contact Kaspersky support

Thank you🙏  

Flood🐳 +🐋

Flood and Flood's wife

Also @Baiker33, '

If you’re also using other Kaspersky software, for example: KIS, KTS & or KSC, check Anti-banner & Private browsing



Thank you🙏  

Flood🐳 +🐋

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