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VPN is blocking DNS and cannot connect to or localhost,

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When I want to Debug my application with VScode cannot connect local debug port. Also my app can not connect local Chromedriver  port while VPN is active. But If I try to connect as VPN is inactive and later It is continue to stay connected both VSCode debug port and Chromedriver port. So I guess the problem is about DNS or anything else that VPN blocks local connections starting.

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Hello @richard_dev, Welcome.

If you suspect it might be the DNS server, you can change it manually.
Search for 'Kaspersky Security Data Escort Adapter' in the network adapters and change the DNS server for IPv4 and/or IPv6 to another server, e.g. Google and or whichever you prefer.

For this, the VPN connection must be active. With every new connection or restart of the program the default settings are loaded again.
No matter if it helps or not - you should contact the support in any case.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi @richard_dev, have you solve your issue?

What OS and Kaspersky VPN versions have you installed?  Does "local debug port" on the same PC? Do you use split tunneling feature?

Frankly speaking, Kaspersky VPN does nothing with localhost connections and system hosts file, so it is very interesting to dive deeper into your case.

P.S. It is better to keep all setting of Kaspersky Secure Data Escort Adapter (or Kaspersky VPN Adapter in newer versions) with them default values.

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