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Unwanted Adware detected on mac with KIS ,but why was it only detected and not blocked?

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I searched a term in google and pressed on the first site google suggested. Used safari on my macbook pro (intel).
mac os version: 11.2.1
KIS version:

I thought it was wikipedia, I didnt look at the adress. It looks like a scam website now, after I saw the adress.
the adress is:  “https://iw.vvikipedla.com/wiki/Phragmoplast” [link disabled]

when I clicked there was a quick opening of a page, I didnt see what it was, it flickered and then the website appered. It happened on the same page, it didnt open a new tab or window.
I dont know if it was a different page or a reloading, it was too fast to see.
My history shows that only one website was opened.

I didnt have the kspersky extension enabled in safari, but the software was enabled, and still is.
I then saw the adress and noticed it was not wikipedia.

I got out of the website and pressed again, and this time nothing flickered.
It is obviously not the real wikipedia site, by the adress and the fact that it has trackers.

I did a full scan and there were no threats.

The problem: in report under processed objects there is an adware object that was detected.
Status: Detected
Detected: Adware
Name: not-a-virus:HEUR:AdWare.Script.Pusher.gen

The time of detection is exactly when I enterd the website.
I didnt get a notification.

Under protection center it says there are no active threats, and under it: “1 malicious object has been disinfected or deleted” and when I press on details: “no detected or quarantined objects”.

My qustions:
1. why didnt I get notified?
2. Why was it only detected and not also blocked and deleted?
     or detected means it was blocked and deleted?

3.why under protection center it says that there was 1 malicious object that has been disinfected or deleted, but under details nothing shows up?

4.The website has a lock, and also has a green light from Kaspersky on the search results.
can you cheack if this site really tries to infect users with adware?

5.  Is this something to be concern about, Or Kaspersky fixed this issue? 
how can I make sure this object was deleted, or gets deleted?
If kaspersky detected it does that means that it was blocked and deleted? if not, why ?

Is my computer secured , or there is  anything else I should do?

Thanks in advanced


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