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Unplugged ethernet connection. How to restore Kaspersky VPN connection?

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Good day, may I ask if it's somewhat normal for the product to unplugged the Ethernet connection. Currently, we're using a laptop with an ethernet adaptor as our source of internet and as of a couple days back, the internet has disappeared. There was no ethernet 2 there but there was a Kaspersky one which was new. So deciding to look for answers I tried looking up for solutions and spotted a similar experience. 


In all honesty, it was a hasty mistake in my part and I hastily deleted the VPN connection thing of the Kaspersky product. Good news, the Kaspersky ethernet unplugged thing is gone but now I have no idea to connect back to the previous Ethernet network. May I ask what I should do now? I'm not really good at doing this technical stuff, I'm quite bad at it actually.

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