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Unable to connect to a specific website [Merged]

Go to solution Solved by Berny,

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Hello @Joan Craig

  • If you have a KVPN 👑Premium subscription →  image 1 (1), select the VPN option (2), scroll thru list of remote virtual servers → select the server, select Connect →  image 2, or in the Search field, type the remote virtual server name → select the server, select Connect →  image 3





  • However, the required website may still be unavailable, even with a VPN, if the web administrators have specifically blocked the VPN IP(s). 

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋

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Does this mean that with the VPN I cannot view BBC IPlayer despite the fact I live in the UK.

I certaintly was not advised of this when I  was purchased my contract. I and other prospective customers should  be told at the outset  that this  VPN is blocked by the BBC. Is there any way of overcoming this problem or can I cancel this part of my contract. BBC IPlayer is very important to me as I cannot get out very much.  I hope you can help me.


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I recently purchased a contract with Kaspersky to include VPN which I thought simply prevented my location being traced whilst on the internet.

I now find that I am unable to access BBC IPlayer as it shows that I am not located in the UK when in fact I am.

On looking through some of the comments on the community forum I found that the BBC have blacklisted/blocked this particular VPN.  If this is correct I feel that any prospective purchaser should be made aware of this. If I had been told  I certainly would not have purchased the contract.

Could anyone please advise on if or how this problem can be resolved. I should add I am not technically minded.

Alternatively can I cancel the VPN section of the contract?

I am now wishing I had kept with the Company I had for many years without any problems. The old addage “You get what you pay for” may be true.

Thank you for any help you can give

If this poblem cannot be revsolced can I cancel the VPN part of the contract.

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