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Trusted Applications, help page does not correspond with what I find in the program.

George P

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 I have a fairly new installation of KTS and reviewing  the settings (KTS 21 + W10P )  found:  Threats and Exclusions> Manage Exclusions and  > Specify Trusted Applications.  Lots of entries in Exclusions ( presumably picked up from my previous installation) but nothing in Trusted Applications. In my previous version (KIS)  I had  some 200+ entries most entered I think by the program a few by me.
Then searching the help area I found  that in the KTS 21 is listed as now  “Removed the Trusted Applications mode” so I now an not sure what the situation is. I have read the "Kasperky Threats and Exclusions" help page and find it confusing also some features do not correspond with what I find in the program.
 Can anyone advise please - is there any point thinking of recovering the previous entries {probably impossible as I did an uninstall) and in this new version, what if any is the best way to use this facility?

Thank you,

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Hello @George P

Welcome again!

  1. Please tell us: KTS version & patch(x) x=letter, on the Windows Taskbar or hidden icons, rightclick the Kaspersky icon, select About
  2. We need to see what you see - please post full screen, screen-prints & add notes of the issue with each screen please?
  3. Regarding Threats and Exclusions, please tell us which parts specifically are confusing? 
  4. Regarding Removed the Trusted Applications mode, that element has been removed, in v21, however, Trusted applications is still very much a part of KTS. 

Please post back? 

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋  

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Thank you for your interest and reply

To answer your queries 2 and 3 I will have to take some time to review in depth to give relevant replies - I may not be able to do that of a few days when I will get back with replies.  I also want to check and make sure I did not miss anything in the program.

Re  KTS version & patch(x) =

Re Q4 - from your reply it seems that Trusted Applications mode, is a different module/ functionality to Trusted Applications  not the same as I assumed - could you explain the difference or give me a reference to explain this, though, the first is perhaps moot as it is unavailable, and for the second I should find the answer in the  Threats and Exclusions  help page.

I will try to complete the other items as soon as I can,

Best regards

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Hello @George P

Thank you for posting back & the additional information👌

v20 Trusted Applications mode, it is a moot point, as it’s been removed, but, read to your heart’s content. 

(ioo) v21. Threats and Exclusions → Trusted applications functions in a similar manner, however, let’s ping @Igor Kurzin, he knows everything, apparently, he may be able to explain: (1) why Trusted Applications mode was removed & (2) what’s replaced it? 

@George P, there’s also Application Manager & Application Control… 

Thank you🙏

Flood🐳 +🐋  

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why Trusted Applications mode was removed & (2) what’s replaced it? 

It was removed because a very small % of the users actually used this feature. It was more a mode for computer geeks.

If you would like to get more manual control over the PC, you can disable “Perform recommended actions automatically” in Settings → General. In this case when some application does something on the PC, there will be a prompt for the user to make decision on the action (allow, forbid, etc.). 

Or, if you would like to focus on the Application Manager only, you can disable: 

  • "Trust digitally signed applications"
  • "Load rules for applications from Kaspersky Security Network (KSN)

and select Untrusted as the default Trust group for unknown applications. 

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