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Trojan-Downloader.Win32.Upatre.eyv - Microsoft Outlook [Solved][Closed]

Go to solution Solved by richbuff,

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upgraded to MS Office 365.  Today I am getting a notification on Kaspersky Total Security  that the below has been blocked.  Please can you advise if I need to do anything


Trojan-Downloader.Win32.Upatre.eyv - Microsoft Outlook



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Welcome. What object or file is detected? What is the location of the detected file? 

Please post the full, complete detection details. Full file name, full path, full location, detection verdict. Post screenshot of Reports > Detailed reports > Detected objects. 
Main Kaspersky window > More Tools > Reports > upper right > Detailed reports > at the upper left, drop down from All Events to Detected objects. 

How to take and post screenshot: https://support.kaspersky.com/common/diagnostics/492

PrtSc (Print screen) key (upper right part of keyboard)> open Paint (Start > All programs > Accessories) > Edit > Paste, File > 
Save as (jpeg or png, Not bmp). When replying, bottom left of reply box > Drag files here to attach, or choose files... Submit reply. 

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Hello @Supersons,

Additional to @richbuff’s reply.

From your problem report, it appears as tho Kaspersky has protected you by blocking the trojan downloader, received via your mail app.  

Check KTS Quarantine for the trojan downloader, if it’s quarantined (imo) do not restore it, select Delete or Resolve and, check your Mail, scan for any mail with attachments, don’t open any that are found until & unless you’ve verified the sender & the safety of the received mail. 

Thank you🙏



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