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Total Security is way too spammy with its demands


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How do i stop it from spamming me so much?

“This program is trying to run, do you want to allow it?”


“This program is trying to run, do you want to allow it?”


“This program is trying to run, do you want to allow it?”


The only way i have been able to silence the damn thing is to pause it completely, which defeats the purpose of it being there. I have even tried “TRUST THIS APPLICATION” and selected “Allow” and i STILL am bombarded with warnings. 

Even worse when it’s a Microsoft Windows process that it keeps spamming me about. It wouldnt be so bad if i could even MINIMISE the warnings or hide them to the system tray to deal with later. But no, it demands i deal with EVERY.SINGLE.ONE right now. 

It is annoying and frustrating as heck. 

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Hello @mouseno4


We understand your 😤, however, without specific information it will be difficult to help, so:

  1. Does the “This program is trying to run” issue happen with all programs? 
  2. Has the “This program is trying to run” issue always happened or is new? If “new” when did it start & what changed in the 24hrs preceding the issue beginning?
  3. KTS version & patch? 
  4. Post a full screen image of the alert?
  5. Post a full screen image of the Trust settings you’ve applied ?
  6. Save the KTS Report for the  “This program is trying to run” alerts & 📎 attach to your reply please? 

Please post back? 

Thank you🙏


Disclaimer, we have no association with Kaspersky. 

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