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The VPN in Secure Connections stops my email accounts. [Solved][Closed]

Go to solution Solved by Berny,

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The VPN in Secure Connections stops my 4 email accounts. The 2 x Gmail accounts register as unauthorised access and block access. The other 2 email accounts just stop working until I close the VPN and they start working again. I then have to verify that the Gmail attempted access from the VPN location was me, to regain my access.
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Hello DSS, Please tell us the Kaspersky products in use, & the version #'s? The operating system, name, build, version? Is GMAIl accessed via an installed application? If yes, the version? If no, is it via browser? If yes, browser/s used? Version/s? Can you share screen prints with us please? This specific information you've shared: "verify the Gmail attempted access from the VPN location was me", is not due to KSC VPN, it's Google asking you to authenticate , as the location the request to access mail is made from appears "unusual" to GMAIL. Please post back? Many thanks!
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Total Security - current version - no version number found Win 10 Home Ver 1803 OS build 17134.765 Email is all accessed by MS Outlook ver 1904 from Office 365 We use 50GB/sec ADSL internet. When VPN is activated the send receive just times out and nothing gets sent and not sure about receiving. I only noticed the problem when trying to send emails today. Yes I know the Gmail is Google asking for authentication but it only happens when VPN is activated because it shows a login attempt from a different country and it happens each day I turn my PC on and activate VPN. I am based in Australia. I have 4 x devices accessing my emails - work PC as above, home PC, laptop and phone. All but the phone run Outlook and Total Security but I haven't tried VPN on the others while doing email, only for internet browser connections.
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Hello DDS, Thank for posting back and the information.
  1. Are you using Kaspersky Secure VPN?
Version # - https://support.kaspersky.com/common/diagnostics/1690#block1 or "mouse" over Kaspersky software icon in taskbar, right click, select "about"
  1. Are you using any other Kaspersky software?
  2. If so, product names & versions please?
  1. Gmail is accessed via installed application MS Outlook ver 1904 from Office 365, is this the same on all 3 devices?
Just for clarity: Work PC = Win 10 Home Ver 1803 OS build 17134.765
  1. Home PC = ?
  2. Laptop = ?
  1. Does the issue occur on all 3 devices?
Re "it only happens when VPN is activated because it shows a login attempt from a different country and it happens each day I turn my PC on and activate VPN" - this is normal, because your Google account thinks you should be in Australia, the VPN routes the traffic "wherever", GMAIL's trying to work out why you're in Kalamazoo when they have Australia as your "known" location. I'm not saying there's not an issue, just trying to drill down to each detail/aspect that may illuminate the issue/s - and, if there's a problem, find a fix:slight_smile: Please let us know? Many thanks!
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  • Solution
Email is all accessed by MS Outlook ver 1904 from Office 365 I only noticed the problem when trying to send emails today.
Also and in addition to FLOOD , your problem is probably the fact that your ISP cannot identify his own SMTP and is refusing outgoing traffic. On the other hand - which is normal - incoming POP3 is no problem with a VPN connection.
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Stop asking for more info on things that are not part of the current problem - home PC and laptop. I know what the issue is and it is Kaspersky's VPN, Everything works fine until it is activated. Then when it is de-activated emails go back to normal. I know why Gmail is blocking access, I thought Kaspersky would tell customers beforehand about Gmail incompatibility.
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  • 5 months later...


  1. What is the operating system full name, version & build of each computer?
  2. What is the Outlook application full name and version? 
  3. Is the same Outlook issue happening on every computer? 
  4. Have you uninstalledKIS/KSC-VPN and Outlook is still not working?
  5. Also, are you thinking of not making the modifications suggested 12 hours ago, but uninstalling the software instead? 

Please let us know?

Thank you. 


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i answer the questions…


  1. Various (w10 1903, w7)
  2. Varios (2016, 2013, 2007)
  3. Yes
  4. Yes
  5. No. I did the uninstallation before making the query

       i have done… and nothing

      - Settings >  Additional > Network > Manage exclusions > Enter SMTP & POP server > Add  + reboot.

       the option “manage exclusions” is only enabled if encrypted connection are in option 2 or 3

in guarder ports i have disabled all related...25,110,143,465,587,993,995


thank you


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