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System Restore In Safe Mode Not Working


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Any help appreciated

I uninstalled some software only for pc to crash

On restarting, all files & folders had gone & all non-Microsoft software was corrupted including Firefox & Chrome

System Restore In Safe Mode has failed to make any difference

Should Kaspersky not have prevented this? Is there anything I can try before a fresh install?


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Should Kaspersky not have prevented this? Is there anything I can try before a fresh install?

Hi Alexandra, 

Most likely you are dealing with a system corruption due to some third party software bug, as Berny mentioned. 

Kaspersky prevents malicious activity, but cannot prevent other software from having bugs.

Do you remember what was the name of the software that led to the issue? 

all files & folders had gone & all non-Microsoft software

Looks like Windows made some automatic system restore without keeping your files and non MS programs. You may try to use a third party tool to search for deleted folders, the data still can be on the disk. 


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