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speedtest.net with KIS2019 [Closed]

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hi, I recently noticed that youtube videos sometimes switched down to 720p, which made me do a speedtest on speedtest.net. This revealed, that of my 250/50 Mbit Internet I only got about 80/50, which still should be plenty for a 1080p youtube video. But the needle of speedtests "tachometer" also stuttered a lot and even froze my mouse for half a second during testing. This was caused by the CPU reaching 100% load. Speedtest should not do that, since my CPU is a Intel Core i5 2500K clocked to 4GHz (I know it is old, but not that slow). However disabling KIS completely during testing solves this issue. The CPU keeps at ~10% and I get my full 250/50Mbits. What is wrong with my KIS?
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  • 10 months later...

My speed drops from

911Mbit down/890 Mbit up


380Mbit down/640Mbit up.



I came here from [another antivirus] because of similar performance issues.

Not using hardware virtualization - it’s disabled. I’m investigating how to enable it.  I thought I had it enabled in bios - perhaps not.  Will check that, ensure it’s enable and showing as active in kaspersky before retesting.


Why is impact so high?
I believe my system to be equipped fairly well.

Ryzen 7 2700x

32GB Ram

1TB Evo Pro 970 nvme


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I enabled hw virtualization but this did not improve my performance.


Disableing kaspersky resutled in an improvement, but  kaspersky seems to be still processing packets, even when shields are disabled.


Peak I could get with Kaspersky running is 500Mbit down, 800 up.

perfmon indicated that kaspersky was ‘processing’ during the tests, even when shield was enabled.


I suspect all av software gets in the way of performance, even when disabled.  A.v.st did the same thing.

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Ok - assuming, as implied, that speedtest results aren’t real.  
Steam application downloads are:

I’ve downloaded ARMA3 4 times.

Procedure - configure av software, launch steam, download application, record results, delete steam downloading and arma3 folder, repeast

Attached photo shows steam downloads under the following conditions:

  1. NO AV software installed
  2. Kaspersky Secure Cloud Free - protection enabled
  3. Kaspersky Secure Cloud Free -protection disabled
  4. Other AV software protection enabled 


  1. No av software installed, 99.5MB/s current 100.5MB/s peak (800Mbits/second)
  2. Kaspersky SC protection enabled, 44.1 MB/s cur 46.3MB/s peak (370 Mbit/second)
  3. Kaspersky SC protection disabled 59.3 MB/s cur, 59.9 MB/s peak (479.2 Mbit/second)
  4. Other AV Protection Enabled 57.0 MB/s current, 59.1 MB/s peak( 472.8 Mbit/second)

My questions:
Why does having Kaspersky SC installed result in a 40-60% loss in throughput, EVEN when Protection is disabled.

I think it’s reasonable to assume that AV software has overhead, HOWEVER it’s also reasonable to assume that disabling protection would offset the performance tax.  Why is there still a high degree of overhead when disabled?

Does Kaspersky publish maximum throughput numbers?

Why Not?

Being transparent about maximum throughput as tested in Kaspersky’s labs would alleviate Kaspersky’s support requests.

I read the link tl;dr 
Download over 100MB
Open support case with screen caps.


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