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Some Trojan uninstall kaspersky

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Im working on my W10 pro computer that I use for non risky activities and where I have not installed anything since almost a month and suddenly I realize that something has changed:

  1. Kaspersky seems to be unistalled from my computer
  2. The security Center of windows is empty and show no warnings about the lack of protection or about anything.
  3. I can’t download anything from antivirus related websites. Only the tool Hijackthis
  4. This tool is far too advanced for me and I can’t find any suspicious entries.
  5. I downloaded Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool from my laptop to a clean USB and detected 2 infections. Clean the infections, reboot and nothing changes.
  6. I restored my computer to a restore point, reinstall Kaspersky Total Security and perform a full (all night) examen of the computer. Seems to be clean.
  7. One day later Kaspersky is gone again and everything is like it was at point 1…

How can I kill such a pain in the a** virus? Thanks for the help!

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It appears but only the icon, there is nothing there, the folder (Program Files) is empty and “avpui.exe” is missing. And yes, I have the task manager showing details and task from all users, and It’s not hidden, it’s gone.

Inside the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky Total Security 21.3\x64
there is only one file left named “antimalware_provider.dll”
Thanks Berny

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