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Silicon Labs Website Search not working with Kaspersky Total Security enabled

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Hi, I am experiencing issues with the functionality of one website that I frequent visit due to code development: www.silabs.com It is the website from Silicon Labs and when Kaspersky is active, the search function on this website does not work. This happens with Google Chrome and with MS Internet Explorer. If I disable Kaspersky, I can use the search function. I think that started a few weeks ago, not sure exactly when. So end of April or beginning May 2019. I tried to add the above website to the 'trusted sites' in Kaspersky with no luck... Please advise. Thanks! With best regards, Stephan
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Hello Stephan, Welcome! Are you familiar with browser "Developer Tools/Console"? Can you please access this & check the log:
  1. from Silicon Labs page,
  2. open console.
  3. console settings, make sure 3rd party url badges is selected.
  4. clear console.
  5. attempt to use the Silicon Lab "search" feature.
  6. check the console for errors... ?
If they're reported please copy and post back, if there's "squillions" of errors, only post back a few please:slight_smile: Also, please share the url where the "search" is failing please? And just for comprehensive understanding, please be kind & advise the Kaspersky software versions in use? & Operating system, build, version please? Many thanks!
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So you mean open in Google: More tools/Developer Tools... I did this but I am not familiar with this tool. I don't know where to look for the 3rd party url badges settings. Here are two warnings: satelliteLib-c7a1ad75c2b6a899845cf1eb59f4ef12438f1a1c.js:11 A parser-blocking, cross site (i.e. different eTLD+1) script, https://assets.adobedtm.com/3190d43a5459fc8adf7e79701f27ec76e8640f17/mbox-contents-4909398513ae1f7a37266bffb682122072465b0c.js, is invoked via document.write. The network request for this script MAY be blocked by the browser in this or a future page load due to poor network connectivity. If blocked in this page load, it will be confirmed in a subsequent console message. See https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/5718547946799104 for more details. loadScriptSync @ satelliteLib-c7a1ad75c2b6a899845cf1eb59f4ef12438f1a1c.js:11 load @ satelliteLib-c7a1ad75c2b6a899845cf1eb59f4ef12438f1a1c.js:12 initialize @ satelliteLib-c7a1ad75c2b6a899845cf1eb59f4ef12438f1a1c.js:12 endPLPhase @ satelliteLib-c7a1ad75c2b6a899845cf1eb59f4ef12438f1a1c.js:12 T.firePageLoadEvent @ satelliteLib-c7a1ad75c2b6a899845cf1eb59f4ef12438f1a1c.js:11 T.init @ satelliteLib-c7a1ad75c2b6a899845cf1eb59f4ef12438f1a1c.js:11 (anonymous) @ satelliteLib-c7a1ad75c2b6a899845cf1eb59f4ef12438f1a1c.js:13 (anonymous) @ satelliteLib-c7a1ad75c2b6a899845cf1eb59f4ef12438f1a1c.js:13 2satelliteLib-c7a1ad75c2b6a899845cf1eb59f4ef12438f1a1c.js:12 A parser-blocking, cross site (i.e. different eTLD+1) script, https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/conversion.js, is invoked via document.write. The network request for this script MAY be blocked by the browser in this or a future page load due to poor network connectivity. If blocked in this page load, it will be confirmed in a subsequent console message. See https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/5718547946799104 for more details. And here are 4 errors: clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:1342 TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of undefined at HTMLLIElement. (clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:2014) at Function.each (clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:47) at n.fn.init.each (clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:13) at h.l (clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:2014) at new h (clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:2008) at HTMLUListElement. (clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:1341) at Function.each (clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:47) at n.fn.init.each (clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:13) at String. (clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:1334) at Function.each (clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:47) (anonymous) @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:1342 each @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:47 each @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:13 (anonymous) @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:1334 each @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:47 reflow @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:1332 c @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:1365 (anonymous) @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:8866 i @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:459 fireWith @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:473 ready @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:505 J @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:507 2csrf.min.7c38388879e68856a949a756438995e8.js:84 GET https://sp10050fd9.guided.ss-omtrdc.net/?q=BGM13P;page=1;q6=All;x6=searchHeader 499 (Request has been forbidden by antivirus) XMLHttpRequest.send @ csrf.min.7c38388879e68856a949a756438995e8.js:84 send @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:1223 ajax @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:1159 n. @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:1168 ad @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:13995 init @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:13935 (anonymous) @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:14781 i @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:459 fireWith @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:473 ready @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:505 J @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:507 search?q=BGM13P;page=1;type=partial-promotion;:1 Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'https://sp10050fd9.guided.ss-omtrdc.net/?q=BGM13P;page=1;q6=All;x6=searchHeader' from origin 'https://www.silabs.com' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Thanks! Regards, Stephan
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When I disable Kaspersky, there is only one error message: clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:1342 TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of undefined at HTMLLIElement. (clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:2014) at Function.each (clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:47) at n.fn.init.each (clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:13) at h.l (clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:2014) at new h (clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:2008) at HTMLUListElement. (clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:1341) at Function.each (clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:47) at n.fn.init.each (clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:13) at String. (clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:1334) at Function.each (clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:47) (anonymous) @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:1342 each @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:47 each @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:13 (anonymous) @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:1334 each @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:47 reflow @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:1332 c @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:1365 (anonymous) @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:8866 i @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:459 fireWith @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:473 ready @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:505 J @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:507 Hope that helps! Regards, Stephan
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Hello Stephan, Any browser: More tools/Developer Tools, when the console opens, select ... (normally on the top right hand coirner of the "console" window, select settings - 3rd party url badges settings RED errors are what to always look for: GET https://sp10050fd9.guided.ss-omtrdc.net/?q=BGM13P;page=1;q6=All;x6=searchHeader 499 (Request has been forbidden by antivirus) & search?q=BGM13P;page=1;type=partial-promotion;:1 Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'https://sp10050fd9.guided.ss-omtrdc.net/?q=BGM13P;page=1;q6=All;x6=searchHeader' from origin 'https://www.silabs.com' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. is the needed info. Can you filter just the RED errors, screen print please and post back please? And just for comprehensive understanding, please be kind & advise:
  1. all Kaspersky software & versions in use?
  2. Operating system, build, version please?
Please post back? Thanks!
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* the two warnings are still there when Kaspersky is disabled.
Hello Stephan, Can you flush the browser please? Also, see if you can find the URL badges setting, set that after the browser flush, and retest the issue please? And please provide the other requested info please, including which - [tab] "search" feature on/in https://www.silabs.com/? Many thanks!
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OK, I set the URL badges settings. I flushed Chrome. I went back to Silabs.com and entered a search. I think the same error messages came: clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:1342 TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of undefined at HTMLLIElement. (clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:2014) at Function.each (clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:47) at n.fn.init.each (clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:13) at h.l (clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:2014) at new h (clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:2008) at HTMLUListElement. (clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:1341) at Function.each (clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:47) at n.fn.init.each (clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:13) at String. (clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:1334) at Function.each (clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:47) (anonymous) @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:1342 each @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:47 each @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:13 (anonymous) @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:1334 each @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:47 reflow @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:1332 c @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:1365 (anonymous) @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:8866 i @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:459 fireWith @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:473 ready @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:505 J @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:507 2csrf.min.7c38388879e68856a949a756438995e8.js:84 GET https://sp10050fd9.guided.ss-omtrdc.net/?q=BGM13P;page=1;q6=All;x6=searchHeader 499 (Request has been forbidden by antivirus) XMLHttpRequest.send @ csrf.min.7c38388879e68856a949a756438995e8.js:84 send @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:1223 ajax @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:1159 n. @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:1168 ad @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:13995 init @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:13935 (anonymous) @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:14781 i @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:459 fireWith @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:473 ready @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:505 J @ clientlib-all.min.9299ba39b3b48a414bd2455822a4f9df.js:507 search?q=BGM13P;page=1;type=partial-promotion;:1 Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'https://sp10050fd9.guided.ss-omtrdc.net/?q=BGM13P;page=1;q6=All;x6=searchHeader' from origin 'https://www.silabs.com' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Does this help? Regards, Stephan
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Sorry. The problem is with my Windows 7 desktop and my Windows 10 laptop. The Windows 10 info: Version 10.0.17134 Build 17134 My desktop computer is shut down for the night... Since the hardware & operating systems are so different, I don't think that this matters. It is Kaspersky that causes the problem. A colleague does not have that problem with his computer. I am not sure which anti-virus software he is using. And so are probably 100s of programmers that go to Silabs.com and don't have any problem with this site. Kaspersky Total Security Database release date 5/30/2019 4:16 pm On Silabs.com I entered as an example 'BGM13P' it is the search window of the home page. I also entered searches on various forum pages, all of them won't work with Kaspersky active. If I deactivate it, then all the search functions on that website do work. With KAspersky active, the search results are all 'empty'. Usually, there is a pop-up with a list of search hits, when Kaspersky is off, when I hit enter in the search, the pop-up disappears and a list is shown on that web page. I am not sure what you mean with 'tabs'. Thanks. Stephan
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Hello Stephan, Thanks for posting back. I'm not trying to suggest the issue is "not Kaspersky, just trying to replicate - to get to a root cause / reason.
  1. Tabs = any of the Resources, again, trying to work out whereabouts on the site the issue presents - all good, the info & search criteria you've provided is enough to work with - thank you.
  2. As this site previously worked without issue - the timeframe is relevant.
  3. As is operating systems info, however, if you choose not to provide any info that's perfectly fine.
  4. Comparisons with anyone else's use of the site is only useful if their software/hardware/network mirrors yours.
  5. I've not been able to replicate on 1 system, am in the process of testing another 2.
Please allow us some time to review? Many thanks.
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Sorry, it worked for a short moment and then stopped working again, maybe I needed to close and reopen Chrome. So it did not work! Problem is still there... Frustrating! I still need your help. Try clicking at the link: https://sp10050fd9.guided.ss-omtrdc.net/?q=BGM13P;page=1;q6=All;x6=searchHeader Kaspersky will give an error message: Connection not protected The security of your connection is reduced. Criminals can attempt to steal your data from the website. You are advised to leave this website. URL: sp10050fd9.guided.ss-omtrdc.net Reason: Weak SSL key View certificate I understand the risks and wish to continue So, Kaspersky is blocking the search response from that site. Why does the inclusion of that website under Setting/Web Anti-Virus/Advanced Settings/Configure trusted URLs not work? With best regards, Stephan
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Hi Stephan, We get it, it is frustrating. This is happening on 2 PCs: On Win 10 device: can you check the certificate, in Google chrome://settings/privacy { Manage Certificates } , see if there's a certificate that matches exactly the certificate that displays when you select "View Certificate"? Let us know please? AND:
  1. Google - full refresh / reset - if you have bookmarks you wish to keep - make sure you export them first.
  2. Kaspersky software has to be reset - restored to default settings - reference:
https://help.kaspersky.com/KTS/2018/en-US/68151.htm AFTER RESET of both Google & Kaspersky - full shutdown - restart of PC Please post back when you're ready? Thanks!
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Now I followed the 'How to eliminate the error by excluding a website from encrypted connections scan scope': https://support.kaspersky.com/common/safemoney/12489#block5 I added the website 'https://sp10050fd9.guided.ss-omtrdc.net' and now it seems to work... Time will tell. Thanks! Stephan
Hi Stephan, Sorry, we can't "analyse" a cry for help, try to work out how to proceed & post back to you & read changes you've done in the interim. Let us know if the issue is not resolved when you're ready. Thanks!
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Thanks for your time & effort. I hope that my recent 'fix' keeps working. In the meantime, I have posted on Silabs.com forum, maybe they have a clue why their search function triggers this error. It would have been more helpful, if Kaspersky would have given a message that it is blocking the search. In the beginning, I thought there was a problem with Silabs' search function.But then the problem did not go away. Then I suspected that Kaspersky had something to do with it... I did the same on my laptop and it is working there, too. So I think we don't have to work on this any further. Thank you again for your help and fast customer service response - this is becoming rare nowadays! With best regards, Stephan
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Hi Stephan, Followup: Where Kaspersky software failed, in this instance is it did not populate an alert for: 'https://sp10050fd9.guided.ss-omtrdc.net', that's not normal AND making an exception for a certificate with weak encryption is not "best practice" So, in essence, Kaspersky software not detecting certificate issue & Kaspersky software being tweaked to make it exclude the issue it didn't detect, hmm? If you can be bothered, escalate the issue to Kaspersky Lab Tech Support. Or, if this issue repeats, as in all points match what has evolved here - raise the issue then with Kaspersky Lab Tech Support. Not saying we won't help or don't want to help - we will, we do! A bandage solution is always the last resort. I've sent an email. I'll let you know the response if received. Best regards!
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