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Scanning Resmon.ResmonCfg causes the process to stall


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For several weeks now when running a full scan using ‘Total Security’, it appears to stall when it scans the file ‘Resmon.ResmonCfg’, but eventually (after many minutes have passed) continues the scanning process!

Can anyone shed any light on what the problem might be?

Thank you.

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Hello @Viffergb,


  1. Please zip Resmon.ResmonCfg file/object, save the zip file as a password protected file using    password       as the password
  2. Run GSI & windows Logs - save the zip folder to your desktop. 
  3. Log into (your) MyKaspersky account, raise an new incident request, select template Malware, Other (see my image), provide a full history of the issue, add images if you have them, upload the GSI/Windows Logs zip folder and the zipped password protected Resmon.ResmonCfg file. Make sure in the problem details you state: “Resmon.ResmonCfg - zipped, password protected, password is    password  “


Thank you🙏 . 


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Hi Flood

Thank you for the welcome, and apologies for not replying sooner, but I am currently investigating this issue further, and these are my findings so far…

  1. I removed that ‘Resmon.ResmonCFG’ file from my system and ran a Full Scan again.  This time the scan stalled on another file called ‘IconCache.db’.  After establishing what this file was, I deleted it and also deleted the various *.db (icon cache) files and rebooted the system.
  2. I started the Full Scan again, but this time it stalled on another file called ‘k3dmx0mp.fs3’.
  3. I stopped the scan and removed this file from the system.
  4. I started the Full Scan again, but again, it stalled on a file called ‘autoconf_inc.m4’

The ‘Resmon.ResmonCfg’, ‘IconCache.db’ and ‘k3dmx0mp.fs3’ files were all located in ‘%userprofile%\AppData\Local’, but ‘autconf_inc.m4’ is located in directory ‘C:\Program Files (x86)\ELAN\HP Pen Control\wxWidgets Library\.

However, I have noticed that the scan always stalls at 21% through the process, and I don’t believe the issue is concerned with any particular scan of a file, but is an issue with the scan process itself as it consistently stalls at 21%.

I have been running a scan whilst writing this and after having stalled at 21% through the scan for approximately 30 minutes on the ‘autoconf_inc.m4’ the scan then resumed and is still running as I continue typing!

My conclusion therefore is that my issue is not with any particular file, but with actual scanning process itself.

Would appreciate your thoughts.


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Hi Berny

Both ‘iSwift’ and ‘iChecker’ Technologies are enabled and have been from the start.

My laptop meets the requirements for running ‘Total Security’.

I only experience the ‘stalling’ when running a ‘Full Scan’, and as I run this overnight once a week, and have established there are no file issues, I’ll accept the stalling as being just one of those things.  At least the scan does always complete, which is the main thing.


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You’re welcome! 

No apology necessary, no pressure, do things at your pace, which is perfectly fine; it’s great you’ve done extra analysis👏

(my thoughts 1)

  1. Have any of the scan parameters/settings been changed? Kaspersky Total Security Library
  2. Have you reset KTS to “default” & rechecked?
  3. What other processes are active when FS is running?
  4. Track back to when the issue started, determine what happened/changed (software, hardware, network, environmental) in the 24hrs preceding the issue? 
  5. Are all Windows updates current, applied successfully?
  6. Error while scanning a computer with a Kaspersky Lab product - several articles that may assist. 
  7. **Edit additional** start Windows in SafeMode, run Full Scan, same result?
  8. Run KTS Clean & Optimize Wizards > PC Cleaner, Unused Data Cleaner, Privacy Cleaner - ***caution note*** - save all browser Bookmarks before running the Wizards. 
  9. Have you uninstalled KTS, saving “License info” only, shutdown device using Full shutdown (not Restart) downloaded  & installed new KTS exe, shutdown device using Full shutdown (not Restart), run manual Database update, run manual Full Scan with nothing else running -  rechecked? 

(my thoughts 2) prepare all the data, raise an incident request, choose template: Application Malfunction, Scan task will not complete. Note: even if the scan completes - the template is a guide (for the Techs) only.

The Technical Specialists will (more than likely) request traces to be collected while the issue is replicated. They may ask for the traces more than once. They will guide you with traces parameters & collection process.

Please let me know the outcome?

Thank you🙏

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Hi Flood

Wow...that’s a lot things for me to try ?.  I’ll most likely give each a try over time, and thank you for supplying a detailed listing ?.

One of your suggestions I may well try quite soon is the running of a scan in ‘Safe Mode’, as that’s easy to try without too much effort ?.

Thanks again ?.

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You’re very welcome!

You did ask me for my thoughts😁

I know it l👀 ks like a lot, but, really, it’s not; take your time, be methodical, collect all the information you can. If you do escalate to the Tech Team, everything you’ve collected will help them help you work out what’s going on. 

The KTS Cleanup Wizards are an excellent toolset to use on a regular basis. 

Do let us know the outcome please?  (we’re very interested!)

Best regards🙏

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Hi Flood (and Berny)

Started Windows in ‘Safe Mode’ and the scan ran fine.  No stalling at 21%, and although time constraints wouldn’t allow me to complete the FULL scan (I stopped it at 91%) I am confident it would have gone on to complete 100%.

So, I guess all my ‘TS’ settings are fine, and I just need to investigate what outside influences are causing the stall.

I honestly cannot remember when it started stalling, as it’s been happening for quite a number of weeks now, and wouldn’t have a clue as to what might have changed (software / hardware / networking etc. etc.) prior to it happening.  I did just run ‘Safe Mode’ on it’s own, not with Command Prompt or Network Support, so I guess I could try running in ‘Safe Mode’ with Network Support and see if that works.

Onwards and upwards...?.

Best regards.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Several weeks ago under ‘Windows Update’ in ‘Settings’ I started to receive a notification along the lines of….

“We’re about to update your device, but it isn’t quite ready………..”

This remained the case until a few days ago (2/11), when the update downloaded and I was able to successfully upgrade to version ‘1903’.

On the previous version of Windows 10 that I was running ‘1803’ I had been experiencing a few problems in addition to this one with ‘Full Scan’, such as being unable to create or roll back to ‘System Restore’ points!

Anyway, after installing ‘1903’ my Kaspersky ‘Full Scan’ ran last night without any problems, such as the stalling that I initially raised in this thread.  It completed in a very respectable 94 minutes.

So, I am pleased to report that my issue has been resolved after upgrading to latest Windows, and I can only surmise that there must have been some issues with the previous version (1803) system files...maybe ??‍♂️.

Thanks for all your assistance, it’s much appreciated.


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Hello  @Viffergb / Graham,
Thank you for letting us know🙏 !
I'm very happy to hear the issue is resolved, 2/11 was my b🎉 rthday so maybe it was a lucky day for you too😁 !

The “We’re about to update your device, but it isn’t quite ready” message is a MS "advisory".
The 1903 & 1909 rollouts were & are, being done in stages. 
Whenever you see the msg, never force the update, it will come, &, as a precaution, always check:

  1. Required: 10 to 16GBs of free space.
  2. If there's a SD card installed, disable or uninstall it.
  3. Disconnect any usb drives.
  4. Do a Driver health check. 
  5. Create a system image.
  6. Create a system restore point. 

On a regular basis make sure all (your) data is backed up.
Use KTS Unused Data Cleaner & Privacy Cleaner Wizards, don't forget to always export all Bookmarks for all browsers before running the Wizards. 
Best regards!

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Hello Flood, and belated ‘Many Happy Returns’ for the 2nd ??.

Thanks, and duly noted points 1 - 6 above.  I came across that listing quite few times when I was trying to figure out why my (this) “device not quite ready…..”

Also thanks for the warning on exporting all bookmarks before running those wizards ?.

I do indeed make regular backups ?.

I was only reading somewhere yesterday about the rollout of ‘1909’ starting this month on the 12th, I believe.  Be interesting to see if I have to wait until the last week or so of April 2020 before I get it ?.

Best regards.


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