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Safe browser vulnerability issues, Safe browser not updating the Shockwave Flash 32.0 r0.[Solved][Closed]

Go to solution Solved by Flood and Flood's wife,

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I've had continual issues over the last few months with KTS 19, Safe browser not updating the Shockwave Flash 32.0 r0. I have manually updated Chrome and Firefox, but Chrome continues to show old version, during vulnerabilty scans, in Safe Browser file. Can I disable safe browser and still continue to use Safe Money prtected browser?
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Hello Gr33nguy, We need a little more info please?
  1. KTS version?
  2. Operating system/version?
  3. Chrome version?
  4. Checking via [Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Programs and Features] the version/s of FLASH installed?
  5. Do you have the most recent KTS protection extension: [ 20.0.543.401 ] [ chrome://extensions/?id=amkpcclbbgegoafihnpgomddadjhcadd ]
  6. Please post the following screen prints:
** The "old" version you see in Chrome ** The Firefox Flash addon - refer to following screen print: ** Screen print of the error that you see in KTS, please post back. & KTS Reports: [KTS][Software updater] select [30 days] - export, please post back [KTS][Application Control] select [7 days] - export, please post back [KTS][Application Manager] select 7 days - export, please post back Also, please read: [ End of Life for Adobe Shockwave ] effective: April 9, 2019 https://helpx.adobe.com/shockwave/shockwave-end-of-life-faq.html Please let us know 1. thru to 6. and the other info, we'll help get it sorted Thanks!
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KTS, Win 10 home/v 10.0.17134, Chrome version 74.0.3729.131 (Official Build) (64-bit), I have no Flash installed (no Adobe products), extension version 20.0.543.401, Flash version on Chrome. No Flash on Firefox addons unsure how to export KTS reports to this post; Thanks for the assistance
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Hello Gr33nguy, Thanks for posting back & providing the information. It's very helpful. We'll grab the reports before proceeding", I'm just preparing a few steps to guide "exporting reports", I'll post these in 30 minutes, in the meantime may we have a screen print of "Flash version on Chrome", please? Thanks again!
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Hello Hello Gr33nguy, Sorry for delay, rejigged the doco a few times? Re: collecting [KTS][Reports], been doing some research, atm, we only need [Application Control], please follow these steps to collect/export 30days: *** From KTS Main application window * select [More Tools] * in [Tools] window > select [Reports] * in [Reports] window > select [Detailed reports] select right pointing arrow[>] * in [1][Detail Reports] window [All events] select down arrow [V], * from the dropdown list, select [2][Application Control] * beside [All events] & or any selection, e.g. [Application Control], is [Time period] * select down arrow [V] * select [3][30 days] * top right hand corner, select [4][Export] * a [Save as] popup window will display * save the text file as [AppCtl].txt to the Desktop Note, the "save as" will/should default to .txt, if it doesn't just ensure this is the file type the exported file is saved as. The following screen is when you get to [Detailed Reports]
  1. All done, please post the [AppCtl].txt file back to us.
Please don't hesitate to let us know if there's any issues with any of the above? Thanks so much. ?
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Hello Gr33nguy, Thanks for the screen print, excellent? Re the [AppCtl] file, that's annoying isn't it...? Do you use any Cloud Storage, OneDrive, GoogleDrive, IceDrive, MegaDrive, if you do please upload & please post the link, if accessing the file (by us) requires a password, please pm me the link & the password? Thanks again, very much!
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Thanks FLOOD I don't use any cloud storage. What is in that App Control text that will be helpful to resolve this? Can I disable safe browser and still continue to use Safe Money protected browser?
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  • Solution
Hello Gr33nguy, Welcome back!
  1. Re: "what is in [AppCtl] report?
Specific error information. Is the report very big? Could you copy & paste directly into a [PM] to me? please?
  1. From your above post: this:
is good. *** Procedure, (imo), or, put another way, what I would do: KTS requires a full refresh:
  1. Uninstall KTS - during the uninstall process a set of questions popup, the ONLY question to select is [save licence info], all other selections, leave blank.
  1. Reboot
  2. Download & install KTS.
  3. Reboot.
  4. Run a MANUAL database update.
  5. Reboot.
  6. Run a [Full scan], this may run for a long time, please allow it to complete.
  7. Run a [Vulnerability Scan] please allow it to complete.
  8. Run [Software Updater] please allow it to complete.
Check if issue is resolved? Re [Can I disable safe browser and continue to use Safe Money protected browser?], please clarify [safe browser], I understand the second part of this question, not the first, sorry! Thanks!
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