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RonnahDecryptor [moved]


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Both the decryprors that you gave me( XoristDecryptor or RectorDecryptor) didn't even decrypt one file.

Whilse RonnahDecryptor decrypt most of the files while some of the files it said in the log file that they were "too large".


I suspect that the malware that encrypted the file was CryptXXX v1but i do not have the malware it self(because some one just ran the malware and erased it)

I do not know what to do, could you help me?


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@assaf  Also please see this :

https://noransom.kaspersky.com/  (*)





(*) → “Ask for the tech support (only for Kaspersky’s paid products customers)”


In a lot of cases files can't be decrypted without the private key that is only known by the attacker.

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