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Repeating message "Download denied"

Go to solution Solved by Igor Kurzin,

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I keep getting messages in the system notification area that "Download denied". It is very good that you have taken care of the security of my computer. In fact, if you hadn't, I wouldn't have installed your software. That is, you tell me that you are doing your job. I am grateful to you.

However, you send me this message over and over again. Why are you doing this? What's your goal? Tell me that you are doing your job? Okay, you reported one, two, but dozens of times?

Or do you want to tell me that you cannot do your job? Then your message should sound like this: "We could not cope with this problem, your computer is infected." If not, why are you distracting my attention?

Or do you want to tell me that the resource you are visiting is dangerous. Maybe this is good information. Then give me the address of the dangerous link. However, the information in your log does not include this link. When you visit a web page, it downloads data from many places. And you only listed one of them, but not the one that is typed in the address bar of my browser. Although you have all the information and you can provide a specific address wherever I go.

Again, what's the point in distracting my attention if you don't even provide me with any useful information?

This is not the first time this has happened. This is a recurring problem.

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Hi @Oleg2 , 

you send me this message over and over again. Why are you doing this? 

Can you please clarify the scenario a bit more, you open some site and then downloads are denied repeatedly? Could be the site you visit attemps to open something malicious over and over again. 

You can check the report via More Tools → Reports → Web Anti-Virus. Here you can find the exact URLs that were blocked. 

You can disable the unwanted multiple notifications via Settings → Interface → Notification settings → Web Anti-Virus.

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Hello, Igor,

> Can you please clarify the scenario a bit more, you open some site and then downloads are denied repeatedly?

I didn't download something. This is just a message from Kaspersky claiming that I did it.

I open several sites and after a while I find a message from Kaspersky.

This is not a specific "scenario". It's just normal web surfing, when from time to time I find messages from Kaspersky.


> You can check the report via More Tools → Reports → Web Anti-Virus.

There is no “More Tools” item in the Kaspersky UI.

There is no “Web Anti-Virus” item in the “Reports and Quarantine” panel of the Kaspersky UI.


> You can disable the unwanted multiple notifications via Settings → Interface → Notification settings → Web Anti-Virus.

There is only the item “Enable notification sounds” in the “Settings → Interface → Notification settings”.

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Hello @Oleg2

Thank you for posting back! 

While you’re waiting for @Igor Kurzin, the following may help:




Also, please see topic by Moderator @richbuffKaspersky notification of detection, file or website detected.

Thank you🙏


Note: the application we’ve shown is KTS, however, Kaspersky Security Cloud is the same. 

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Hi Flood, thanks for the screenshots. 👍

Hello, Igor,

I open several sites and after a while I find a message from Kaspersky.

@Oleg2 do the screenshots by Flood work for you? 
You can also check browser extentions, if some of them are not known to you (were not installed by you) - disable them and see if it helps to fix the blocked downloads issue.

Browser reset is also a good option to try. 


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Hello, Flood and Flood's wife and Igor Kurzin,

Sorry for the delay, there was a new Kaspersky software update to the revision (f) and I was hoping it was related to my problem. Unfortunately, nothing has changed.


Oleg2> There is no “More Tools” item in the Kaspersky UI.

Please disregard my assertion, sorry for misleading you. Thanks Flood and Flood's wife for screenshot, I found “More Tools” item.


Unfortunately, this does not help me locate the malicious web address. As I wrote earlier:

Oleg2> Or do you want to tell me that the resource you are visiting is dangerous. Maybe this is good information. Then give me the address of the dangerous link. However, the information in your log does not include this link. When you visit a web page, it downloads data from many places. And you only listed one of them, but not the one that is typed in the address bar of my browser. Although you have all the information and you can provide a specific address wherever I go.

In fact, I am aware about report records, I got access to them through the system notification area → right mouse click on Kaspersky "Download denied" message. However, as I earlier explained, the report only provides me with the final location of the malicious object, not the web address that I enter into the address bar of my browser. Thus, the report does not provide me with any useful information.


Oleg2> There is only the item “Enable notification sounds” in the “Settings → Interface → Notification settings”.

Looks like I was wrong again, I didn't find the “Notification settings” clickable, thanks to Flood and Flood's wife for their help, I am very grateful.


I turned off "Download Denied" and no longer see annoying messages. So, I consider the case closed, thanks Flood and Flood's wife and Igor Kurzin for your help, I very appreciate it.


PS Can I tell you a little story?

Some time ago I shared my home with a cat, beautiful Siberian beast. One day I left home for a week and asked a neighbor to feed my cat. A couple of days after returning, I found a severed mouse corpse on a sleeping pillow. In fact, my cat told me, "You think of me as a part of the home decor, but I could really help. Please do not leave me!" I didn't know whether to punish her or comfort her.

It looks like some system utility providers behave the same way. Over a long period of time, the customer may view his system tool as nothing valuable simply because he does not see the direct effect of its work. In this way, a system utility provider reminds its customer of its value. This is understandable, but can be a little annoying.

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Hello @Oleg2

Thank you for updating us, we’re delighted the issue is resolved😊!

We’re not sure we understand the annoying 😼analogy, however, we do have a concern, by suppressing “Download denied” notifications, are you confident you’ll receive the notifications you do really wish to see

Regarding “...the report only provides me with the final location of the malicious object, not the web address that I enter into the address bar of my browser. Thus, the report does not provide me with any useful information.”

  • This makes sense, the source web address is not logged/reported. 

Thank you🙏


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Hello Flood and Flood's wife,

Thank you for your concern.

> by suppressing “Download denied” notifications, are you confident you’ll receive the notifications you do really wish to see?

In fact, not one hundred percent. But

  1. I have performed an investigation and I have found primary location of the notification. It is marked as “Safe website” by Kaspersky.
  2. As far as I understand the HTTP protocol, there is not a way to put such a malicious object into my computer.
  3. Kaspersky software knows about this object and takes care of it.
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